I’ve had my eye on Albion Online since it first got posted to our forums in early 2013 for two reasons: I totally dig the art style, and it’s making a bunch of promises on being the first true cross-platform MMORPG with aspirations beyond being some kind of watered down Facebook game. As someone who still plays World of Warcraft for some reason, the idea of being able to scratch my MMO itch laying in bed on my iPad is pretty compelling.
The game is going to run on Mac, PC, Linux, Android, and iOS. They just started an alpha test (Which I believe is PC-only currently?) and a few YouTubers have got their hands on the game. In particular, Force just posted a video walking viewers through the game for over a half hour. I’m really liking what I see:
There’s still a lot of unanswered questions, like how much of the great visuals will make its way down to iOS. Additionally, it’s a free to play MMORPG which always cools my enthusiasm some, as it’s not hard to imagine how annoying games like classic Ultima Online would’ve been if you could just flop Origin a $50 bill to get a 7x GM character or something. But, I’m still very cautiously optimistic about Albion Online– I’ll choose to look forward to this game with a glass half full mentality.
For (way) more information on the game, check out the Albion Online web site.