
‘Castle Doombad’ is On Sale For a Buck

TouchArcade Rating:

Like most Memorial Day weekends, if the news cycle is any indication, the holiday weekend has already started for everyone else but me. It doesn’t seem like there’s much going on other than some pretty great iOS game sales- The first of which being Adult Swim’s Castle Doombad ($2.99). Originally launching at $2.99 and having been on sale before, Castle Doombad is back to a buck again.

So why should you give ninety nine of your pennies for this game? Well, we absolutely loved the game in our review. Also, interestingly enough the game came out at a great time to coincide with the original Dungeon Keeper free to play drama, offering a vaguely similar feeling experience without all the nasty free to play stuff. It’s sidescrolling instead of top down, but, you’re constructing all sorts of traps in a tower defense-y Dungeon Keeper-y kind of thing. Seriously, it’s really good.


They’ve added additional content to the game though via the summer “Slaycation" update, so, if you played through Castle Doombad already it’s worth checking that out again. Particularly, there’s a new feature which shuffles the traps you get to bring with you and you get a bonus if you manage to complete a stage with a random loadout. This makes for some really crazy levels- particularly when you get shuffled all your not-so-great defenses.

  • Castle Doombad

    “Nails everything I could want in a 'defense' title…simply a blast to play." 5/5 Stars –TouchArcade "One of the be…
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