
TA Plays Rewind: ‘The Incident’ – Killed By… A Falling Aeron Chair?

TouchArcade Rating:

533456_largerSome games are so good that they never leave your device, and for us, The Incident (Free) easily falls into that category. We loved it in our review over three years ago, and it seems like it’s only gotten better since then.

Using our weird video capture setup we play using the iPad outputting to my capture hardware while I use the super-cool but likely totally underutilized functionality to download and install the universal game on your iPhone and use it as a controller.

Check it out:

Download The Incident. Seriously. It came out in a time where these procedurally generated endless random games were all the rage, and it still stands out as one of the best.

  • The Incident

    THE INCIDENT is a fast-paced, retro-style action game. Run, dodge and jump your way to safety as an angry rain of just a…
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