
‘Arma 2: Firing Range’ Hits iOS

TouchArcade Rating:

Bohemia Interactive, alongside Idea Games, have launched its interesting companion, er, experience to Arma 2 across iOS. Arma 2: Firing Range [Free] as it’s called, is a pretty strict weapon simulation game that tasks you with hitting targets with a dizzying range of guns equipped with a variety of mechanical compliments such as red dot sights.

It’s interesting because it’s so strict, which is basically why Arma 2 the full game has been receiving love despite its variety of technical issues. Firing Range‘s connection to the full experience stops at the guns, but it’s notable that you can view them all with previews and even “study" the specifications of each.

Firing Range at $0 includes a single firing range and three weapons. With an IAP of $1.99, you’ll get access to all the current crop of weapons and challenges. We’ve been told that more guns and firing ranges will be added later.

  • Arma 2: Firing Range

    Arma 2: Firing Range is the ultimate firing range simulation on iOS, and brings a slice of the extremely realistic Armav…
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