As part of a recent promotion, Gameloft left it up to the people to decide what game it would offer up for less than a dollar in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Those people have since spoken, indicating that it wanted the FPS, Halo-clone NOVA 2 [.99 / HD] to be sold at .99 cents. It is now available for that price on the App Store, but be weary of the one-click purchase, as the iPad version of the game is still sitting at a juicier $6.99.
NOVA 2, is a competent follow-up to the original NOVA, which did a lot to set the bar for iOS first-person perspective shooters. Like in the series its based upon, Halo, NOVA 2 has you shooting aliens, running through corridors, and even killing fake-real people in a robust competitive online offering. This follow-up in particular features a bit more compelling variety in its campaign, too — if you’re into piloting mechs, shooting super powered guns, and driving motor bikes that is.
A dollar is a great price for this game. Good job, Gameloft fans. I’m a fan of you.