Semi Secret Software’s survival side-scroller Canabalt [$2.99] went universal this afternoon, and while (like most pixel art games) it looked great upscaled on the iPad, Canabalt is even more awesome running at the full 1024×768 resolution.
If this is the first you’ve heard of Canabalt, check out our review:
Canabalt for the iPhone is a port of the extremely popular flash game of the same name. Absolutely everything has been preserved in the transition, and Canabalt is a perfect for a mobile gaming device. It loads quickly, and the games (unless you’re really good) rarely last any more than a couple minutes. …Read More
Canabalt can be played for free online, and the paid iPhone game is nearly identical aside from the fact that you’re clicking your mouse instead of tapping with your finger. I really can’t recommend this game enough. We awarded it five stars in our October ’09 Best iPhone Games Listing, and it’s one of the few games that not only has stayed on my phone since it was released last year, but also a game I play nearly every day.

A word of warning before updating, Canabalt 1.4 does seem to wipe out your local scores when you install it. If you have any insanely high local runs you’d like to immortalize, screen shot them before installing. Also, some forum members have reported frame rate issues with the new update, but so far I’ve tried it on every device I have access to and don’t notice it running any different than before.