
‘Zenonia 2 Lite’ Now Available

If there’s one thing RPG fans on our forums love, it’s the Zenonia series. The original was insanely popular amongst our community, and the sequel seems to have the same appeal. I thought the first Zenonia [$2.99 / Free] was a ton of fun, and the sequel Zenonia 2 [$4.99 / Free] was just as good, if not better.

Here’s the basic gist of Zenonia 2 from our review:

The plot of the first game followed a young boy named Regret in the midst of a war between the Holy Knights of the land and a clan of dragons. This sequel traces a new story in the same universe with one of four selectable characters as the stars. A half-naked swordsman, gun-toting blonde, animal-man hybrid melee guy, and generic, emo magician make up the cast, and each play quite differently. Choosing one character over another won’t change the story in any significant ways, but each character does come with some side-quests specific to them. I wasn’t extremely impressed by the quality of the game’s story as a whole, but I can say with some confidence that it’s an improvement over the one in the original game. …Read More

The lite version includes 5 main quests and 6 sub-quests to complete, as well as full access to the PvP arena. (Although, expect to be owned.) If you’ve been on the fence for whatever reason on this game, you really should give the light a spin. Also, another great thing about Gamevil releasing a lite version of Zenonia 2? I totally now have an excuse to post this awesomely ridiculous video again:


App Store Links: Zenonia 2, $4.99 / Zenonia 2 Lite, Free