Inspired by Dante’s Inferno, The Inferno is a top down-puzzle game which will have players adventuring through all five circles of hell collecting souls, avoiding obstacles, and hopefully reaching the exit of each level before running out of lives and/or time. The story is told through a text-based character conversations before levels, and the only real fault I can find in the game is the somewhat confusing default control scheme. Instead of a normal D-Pad, you control your movement east and west with your left thumb, and north and south with your right. It’s a little disorienting, but a quick trip to the game’s option can turn this in to a much more comfortable standard D-Pad.

What is interesting about The Inferno is how Xpressed is selling it on the App Store. There is a full version of The Inferno [$2.99] with all 121 levels, The Inferno [99¢] that comes loaded with 50 levels, and The Inferno [Free] with the first 23 levels. Regardless of whether or not you download the 99¢ or free version, both can be upgraded to the full version from within the game via DLC.
While Xpressed has also released a trailer for the game, here is our own gameplay video showing the first few levels:
To celebrate the release of The Inferno, UniWar [Free] will be available for free for the next 24 hours. UniWar is a turn-based strategy game with online multiplayer that is a ton of fun. If you somehow need more reason to download this game while it’s free, check out our review.
App Store Links:
- The Inferno, $2.99
- The Inferno (50 Levels), 99¢
- The Inferno Free, Free
- UniWar, Free (For a limited time.)