
A Few to Consider: Chuck Norris, Implode, Snowy’s Christmas Pinball

Here are a few releases that have snuck by us over the past few weeks that are worth considering. Each game has its fans and both the gameplay video and forum threads are linked so you can dig deeper.

Chuck Norris: Bring on the Pain

Chuck Norris arrives on the iPhone with an over-the-top side scrolling shooter. The controls aren’t great, and the game reminds us of an old school side shooter, but Chuck Norris fans seem to be enjoying it. It’s only $0.99 and you can join the discussion thread for more impressions.

App Store Link: Chuck Norris: Bring on the Pain!, $0.99


Demolition fans may enjoy IUGO’s latest physics puzzler in which you place your quota of dynamic to see if you can level each building. There are 60 levels in all drawn in chalkboard style. The game is available for $1.99, comes with online leaderboards and new levels coming in the next update. Join the discussion.

App Store Link: Implode, $1.99

Snowy’s Christmas Pinball

Fans of Matmi’s beautifully styled Monster Pinball will be happy to see their latest pinball creation: Snowy’s Christmas Pinball. The game is set across 3 distinct interconnected tables with various mini-goals per table. The game is a little early for the Christmas season and is available for $1.99. Join the forum discussion here.

App Store Link: Snowy’s Christmas Pinball, $1.99

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