In mid-March, Konami released Metal Gear Solid Touch [App Store] for the iPhone and iPod touch. A departure from the style of the famed Playstation franchise, Metal Gear Solid Touch is a tap-shooter with impressive graphics but short-lived gameplay. We advised back in March that, for anyone other than fans of the franchise, the $7.99 asking price is hard to justify.
Well, now you can decide for yourselves.
Konami has just released Metal Gear Solid Touch Lite [link] through the App Store. This free download presents the opening story as well as three Middle Eastern stage (the full game features 20) to give those on the fence a feel for the play experience. If Metal Gear Solid Touch seems remotely interesting to you, the lite version is probably worth a download.
See our gameplay video of the paid app:
[ Full HD version | Low Bandwidth version ]
App Store Link: Metal Gear Solid Touch Lite, Free