Little White Bear Studios, an active participant in our forums, has released their second game for the iPhone and it’s called Zentomino [App Store]. Gameplay is similar to their previous title TanZen [App Store].
Find your Zen again, with Zentomino! Like its award winning sister game, TanZen, Zentomino takes you on an ever expanding journey of peaceful challenges. This time around, explore the world of pentominoes, where you must recreate a shape by using up to twelve differently shaped puzzle pieces. Like TanZen, you’ll be given a wide variety of puzzles, which will grow considerably over time!
The object of the game is to completely fill out the given silhouette with the pieces given. 144 different puzzles are offered in this first version and there’s no time limit to play against.
A gameplay video is provided by the developer:
App Store Link: Zentomino, $1.99