We’re going to try something new here on Touch Arcade: our first weekly High Score Challenge. If all goes well, we’ll try to pick a new free app once a week to have our readers compete for fun and glory for the high score.
Suggestions for future games can be submitted to tips@toucharcade.com.
Game criteria are as follows:
Player rules:
This week’s game is Dactyl [App Store] which has recently dropped its price from $0.99 to Free. The change in price is permanent according to the developers. The game is a rather simple one of reflexes. Bombs light up and you’re job is to tap on them as quickly as possible to defuse them. If you aren’t fast enough, the bomb explodes and the game ends. Defuse as many bombs as possible.
It’s a simple reflex game. (Unfortunately, it may not be easily playable if you are color blind.)