
App Store to Launch with about 160 Games

The New York Times spoke with Steve Jobs and revealed some interesting stats about the iPhone apps that we’ll be seeing at launch. The App Store is expected to launch on Thursday, and Jobs seems pleased with the initial offering:

β€œThe reaction we have gotten so far has been really strong,” Mr. Jobs said in a telephone interview this week. β€œThe quality and the sophistication of the applications you can write for the iPhone is in a different class.”

Jobs reveals that there will be more than 500 applications at launch and one third of them will be games (~160). Also revealed is that about 25% of all the applications (~125) will be free, while 90% of the remaining apps are priced at $9.99 or less.

Jobs provides no breakdown of how the games are priced, but based on what we’ve seen, games seem to be settling between $4.99 and $9.99.