the FALL is a physics based tilt game that is fun for all ages, especially satisfying if you like lava lamps and spend time in waiting rooms or public transport. The Story... Its a complex* tale of a little stick person called Timmy who fell down a hill. You pick the hill. The Game... Tilt the phone to adjust the direction of gravity and whack Timmy into the rocks to keep him in view. If you let him leave the screen its game over. Get points based on how hard you smack his head. Collect the powerups that are dropped in by parachute to slow down his fall. As time goes by the FALL gets faster and faster until it goes so fast that the universe implodes**. New Levels, powerups, and other features added based on app popularity, so if you want more stuff, tell your friends, family, and random people on the bus. *May not be complex at all. **Universe may not implode.
Seller:Warwick Roberts
Genre:Action, Arcade
Release:Jun 21, 2018
Updated:Jul 07, 2018
Size:30.5 MB
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating:Unrated
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal