"a game that is so playable, so beautiful, and so stunningly out of left field that even jaded critics like us can't help but rave about it." -- "one of the App Store’s true hidden gems. Ancient Frog is so unique, so gorgeously rendered, that I just have to commend the developer. It’s the kind of game where you’ll find yourself returning again…and again…and again…" -- "This game isn’t just unusual to play, it’s also gorgeous to look at. Like all the best software, Ancient Frog benefits from attention to detail" -- ---------------------------------------- A contemplative puzzle game set in a range of beautifully rendered natural environments. Guide 6 species of frog through over 100 levels of twisty turny fun. Guide your frog one leg at a time across the board to a delicious fly. Take your time. There's no hurry. Just you, a frog, the gentle interplay of dappled light, and the sounds of the forest. ---------------------------------------- - Over 100 unique levels - 6 species of frog - Hours of replayability - A host of beautiful environments - Soothing soundscape - Lovely lighting ---------------------------------------- o Touch the daisy for in-game options o Visit the website for hints and tips ----------------------------------------
Seller:Ancient Workshop
Genre:Family, Puzzle
Release:Feb 10, 2009
Updated:Aug 14, 2017
Size:28.7 MB
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating:Unrated
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal