Thanks for the gameplay video, Sanuku. My favorite thing about Advance Wars was the bright, rock-infused soundtrack, and unfortunately I'm not getting that here. The house-chiptune vibe with your standard harmonies sounds really generic and takes me out of the atmosphere of the game. The sound design, on the other hand, is awesome. I know that Warbits might be trying to do their own thing, and not everyone will care about the soundtrack this way, but I feel like they need to take some more risks with the music.
So true, especially on 3-4; Sometimes the best option is the least obvious, and as we learn early in the tutorial, enemy AI can be baited, drawn into kill zones or lured away from key strategic locations. Cheers!
Thank you! Just wanted to pop in and say you guys are the best! We're totally overwhelmed with the positive response. Working on a game for years with a 2 man team, things start to feel like an echo chamber. We had no idea how this would go. Anyways, enough sappy stuff. Have some promo codes! RLL44NK7H6L3 ER63FALKJA3T HL4F6H4LF9M3 PRLKPYLLP7MN 46EM4TLJW396
Had already bought a copy and now used PRLKPYLLP7MN to install it on my girlfriend's phone. Thanks for the code!
Snabbed ER63FALKJA3T. This is the first time I've clicked on this thread, but I'm sure I'll be adding my voice to the choir once I've played it.
The key thing is getting used to which units are strong against each other. Keep your planes and infantry out of the way of Gunners if you can. If your opponent has a well-armed HV Mech, maybe try to attack it with Artillery and weaken it before risking your vehicles against it. Holding your finger on any unit lets you see its current movement range (the dots icon), its current attack range (the crosshairs) or more info about the unit (three lines icon). Also watch out for terrain. If your unit is on a city or in forest, it'll take about 20% less damage than if it's on a road.
Carter spends a lot of time, in his review, talking about the fact that this is a shameless clone of AW.. While many of the more (vocal) seasoned players may feel a fuzzy warmth of nostalgia with this (or maybe regret that the envelope was not pushed a bit further), I also think its important to remember who TA caters to as a whole, whether a vocal forum is agreement or not.. A large percentage of the main articles are Hearthstone, COC, Clash Royale, FTP this and FTP that.. The landscape of mobile gaming is still evolving, and I am completely alright with this.. I also estimate that many other players & viewers (multitudes of which remain nameless and silent) are okay with it too... I'm not sure if Carter made this clear or not.. But for newer gamers, like myself, Warbits provides the player a true taste of a TBS sub-genre that is not accessible on mobile otherwise.. While 'playing it safe' with the design of WB, they were able to capture the essence of what made AW great, while reviving it and bringing it up to date. Many have said that this is actually a 'better' version of AW.. I think Warbits has the potential to help rekindle a spark of spirit in gameplay that is, arguably, loosing its light in todays market.
While potentially obvious, this is exactly what I was needing to work on.. Thanks for bringing it up!
Great strategic game, great mechanics but can't get past the grade schoolish visuals. I'm not condemning anyone so don't condemn my difference of opinion. Supported, but not a fan.
This game is great and I hope it sells well for the developers. I'll try and get my friends to get it.
So, after buying this at launch and finally getting around to playing it, immediately after finishing the first level I felt the tremendous urge to go back and play Tactics Maiden... I did and ended up having somewhat of a more interesting experience there. Don't get me wrong, Warbits has lovely production values, charming graphics and animations, and of course, multiplayer. But as a single player experience it really just rekindled my interest in some game in my backlog that feel more robust somehow. Maybe I'll get back to this game later, but for now it went to my backlog. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't let the cartoony graphics or the banter fool you. This game gets fairly difficult in the later levels. In that sense it is very much like Advance Wars. Strategy is very important later in the game. The difficulty level later on may turn off those new to the genre. However, for those who regularly play TBS games such as Advance Wars, the Great Little/Big War Game series, Battle for Wesnoth, HOMM, etc, this will be right up your alley.
Any tips for the final level (5.4)? I've only tried it once, but I was thinking of taking the defensive in the center (because he sent basically his entire army down the center) while expanding up the two sides. Then pinching the center from all three angles. Anyone have suggestions?