Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nyanpass, May 28, 2018.

  1. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    I’m not sure how anyone got their controllers to work or else it does not support Nimbus because I tried twice and it has no effect on the game at all. When a game has controller support all you have to do is make sure your controller is connected and then boot the game up and you’re good to go, doesn’t work here. No internal option to turn on mfi controls so if anyone is using a controller on iOS I’m assuming it’s not a Nimbus . Unless it’s an app issue like it’s not working properly on 8 pluses or something . Normally I’d say eff it and play but the touch controls are horrendous. Floating stick is terrible for any platformer so them not even adding an option to change it in settings was just pure laziness. The game seems to be ok I never even heard of it during its ps1 run it’s definitely different.
  2. Mattosai

    Mattosai Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    #62 Mattosai, Jun 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
    If i can give one advice or two :

    Even if it’s your first time playing VP, either play it on normal or hard (hard mode having some specific dungeons and gems to find that give bonuses for seraphic gate postgame).
    Those 2 modes allows access to true ending.
    DON’T play it in easy mode, less characters, no plot, unless you intend to train and do a 2nd run.

    Try to find a spoiler-less (there are, to some degree on gfaqs) true end guide which is almost impossible to unlock without and you’ll have to redo a whole run if you missed some events/sent the wrong persons to valhalla.

    That’s what stripped VP, despite being my personnal all time fav rpg, being in the jrpg pantheon.

    Because only the true ending make a real sense in VP. They should have deleted other endings (commonly named B and C endings while true is A) and those **** conditions to get it imo since : lenneth on psp or change those conditions to be more easy to understand at least.

    Otherwise it’s Motoi Sakuraba composer at his pinnacle, if you liked / loved the soundtrack, i recommend strongly getting your hands on the Valkyrie Profile Arrange Album which is basically an enhanced version of the original OST.

    And still in goodies i think valkyrie profile material collection artbooks still should be still findable if you liked Yoshinari brothers artworks in this game.

    As for VA, i found at the time it was one of the best eng VA ever made, i m not english native speaker tho but i played the game in both versions (jpn and us) at the time, and was one of the eng. dubbing that touched me the most in for once (as i’m usually allergic to eng dubs)

    Now i can understand standards have quite changed in years so yeah, guess the original dub would be nice but like it was said before, it’s a licencing problem here, we could still hope Squix add it as a (paid probably) dlc.
    At least the ingame soudtrack is free so good thing.
  3. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015

    I am actually using a nimbus. Dont forget : it doesnt work on the main menu or party menu, it only works for exploration/platforming and battles. Thats what SE means by ''partial support''
  4. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Wish they had added something to speed up the cut scenes. The beginning of the game especially was so long and kinda tedious at normal speed.

    Also, can someone explain the combo system? I think I may have clicked through one of the tutorial screens by accident. Are you supposed to time taps to when the attack hits the enemy?

    I’m guessing attacking at the same time with other characters is also a combo.
  5. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    The combo system is based on the number of attacks you can muster in one “turn.” Six attacks fills up the combo meter (the green bar under the attacks count). When that happens, you can click on any character and activate their equipped combo. If you order it right, the combo will fill up the combo meter again, and you get another character to do their combo. If the whole party gets a turn, you can get to 10,000+ damage in one turn (which is pretty satisfying).

    This is all very easy to do while Freya is with your party; once she leaves, you need to get multiple attacks abilities (which so far I’ve found only in dungeons) or learn support skills for multiple strikes (haven’t been able to do this yet). I’m still on Chapter 1, so I’m sure I still have a lot to learn.

    For what it’s worth, I’ve found the movement controls to be a bit awkward but nowhere near “horrible.” Keep in mind that the platforming in the game is pretty light — and pretty much non-lethal. And anyone who thinks that the voice acting in the “worst I’ve ever heard” hasn’t heard much voice acting at all. I find it basically okay. In any event, there’s not a lot of it in the game.
  6. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Thanks for the explanation. So it has nothing to do with timing “taps” but just trying to get in as many attacks as you can one after another?

    Unlike other games, I guess I’m unsure of the definition of a “turn”.
  7. johnlee00w0

    johnlee00w0 New Member

    Aug 4, 2016
    Can anyone explain the function of each IAP?
  8. ctathemarius

    ctathemarius Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2018
    The additional IAPs can be ignored. They are made up of IAPs for cheat functions. For example, experience boosters, increased damage, and voice collections.
  9. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Played some more and while I may not completely understand the underlying turn structure, I’m getting it enough to create combos and, man, it is some of the most satisfying turn based combat I’ve played. So far seems a bit easy with those massive combos (playing on normal) but I’m not the far in.

    Platforming can be a bit of a pain but it’s not all that bad. Think it would be better with directional controls over a joystick. And while it makes it sound like you can change to buttons, it’s not changing for me.

    Also a bit lost in the dungeon I’m in.

    All that said, I’m really liking this so far having never played the game otherwise.
  10. Gambler

    Gambler Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
    I’ve bought quite a few Square Enix releases so far and the premium RPG market on iOS isn’t exactly filled to the brim. Intrigued by this game but still not sure if I should pull the trigger.

    Do you guys agree with the Gamespot assessment from the review of the PSP version? (By combing through the thread it looks as if quite a few people do):
    "Be warned, though: The lengthy story sequences and poor explanation of the unintuitive game mechanics mean that this game requires a lot of patience to enjoy, which at times makes it seem like an unfit choice for the portable format."
  11. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    LOL. Those are my two biggest beefs so far - really long cut scenes / sequences and unexplained mechanics. That first story sequence was unbelievably long. Thought I’d never get to the game.

    But I’m still enjoying it - especially the combat.
  12. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    That first intro/cut scene is the only one that long. The others I’ve encountered so far are pretty reasonable. Keep in mind that this version of the game autosaves after every screen change, so you can switch off if you need to.

    As to the mechanics, I would recommend that everyone reas through the in-game tips (camp/options/tips). They cover most of the gameplay mechanics; what they don’t usually gets a basic tutorial the first time you encounter it.

    So far I’ve found the game easy to play in small chunks (except for that first hour-long intro).
  13. cmmc38

    cmmc38 Member

    Jun 22, 2012
    Does anyone know if the bugs affecting the PSP release have been fixed? I remember reading that the PSX version was “definitive” despite its earlier release date to some graphical stretching here and there and some bugs affecting inventory management IIRC.

    Also, I have to say I’m VERY surprised to see this chosen for a mobile release. Tri-Ace Games in general (and this game in particular) cater to a fairly hardcore JRPG loving audience for whom a rediculous abundance of poorly explained mechanics is send as a challenge rather than a turn off.

    I love seeing SqE dig into their fantastic library to make these games available legally to a modern audience. But why iOS? Why not the Switch? Seems like it would do much better there as the Switch seems to be taking the torch from the Vita as the JRPG-lovers system of choice.
  14. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    Bad voice acting was a staple of the times. Love it. My all time favorite bad voice acting was resident evil 1 ahahaha that one is probably the most famous.
  15. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Looks like you're directing this post to me. As someone who has played thousands of RPGs (voiced and non-voiced) and watched plenty of anime, dubbed and subbed. Yes this is some of the worst I've seen. I didn't start anything with you so no need to personally attack me by saying I haven't heard much voice acting at all. That was uncalled for and I didn't expect you of all people to say that to me. And I do think the controls are bad. They don't stop you from playing the game but you can look up plenty of reviews - dodging bombs, hitting secret platforms need precision which is difficult with these controls.

    We're all entitled to our own opinions and we don't need to attack people to get your own opinion across.
  16. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I didn’t attack you — just responded to a claim that I thought was overstated. I’ve also played thousands of games in my day (started with Pong on the arcades, when it first came out) and I’ve heard much, much worse. On the movement controls, my point was that they’re not that big a deal on this particular game.

    Again, I didn’t mean any of that as an attack. I just though that the two of us have been on this board long enough (and responded to teach other posts enough times) for some friendly sass. Clearly I was mistaken, and for that I apologize.
  17. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    This is a new trailer for this game from Square Enix for global release.

    (Voice is Japanese and subtitle is English)

    It is Japanese voice in official trailer, but it is not in game...
    Will they implement it in a future update? :>

    They told us that they could not guarantee it, but there was a reply from the customer center that they delivered it to the relevant department. Furthermore, they asked us to keep an eye on the constant new updates about this game. VALKYRIE PROFILE: LENNETH. I wish it would be done. XD
  18. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
  19. leokamiya

    leokamiya Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2017
    Do I have to do anything to enable controller support?

    I was playing on the touchscreen until I got to the first dungeon, played a bit and decided to try the game with my Nimbus and... nothing happened. None of the buttons respond and there’s nothing in the settings menu.
  20. bluestank

    bluestank New Member

    Jun 7, 2018
    So PSA to everyone: when you start this game, set aside a good 20 minutes or so of dedicated play time because the intro sequence has no way to speed it up, and there is no way to save. There is a "skip" button at the top, but that bypasses a HUGE chunk of the entire first characters' story and goes straight to the first dungeon.

    As far as autosaving, at least on Android, it doesn't do that from what I can gather. Definitely not in the first intro since I had to replay it.

    GREAT game though from what I remember. Port with the on screen controls, not so good.

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