Haha, the graphics aren't all that great, and it reminds me more of the mini-game in Mario 64 where you can stretch out faces than any girl I've ever seen at the club, but it's definitey funny. Hard not to laugh as you swipe the booty all over the screen to the ridiculous techno beats. I think it's hilarious that there is a replay video after a run. Not gonna make any fap, but it's funny as hell to inagine someone trying to.
While I agree this app is stupid, twerking is a dance that has been practiced since at least the early 90s. It's not a fad. So it makes since that this guy would try and exploit it now.
This game is twerking its way to the top of the chart. It's now the hottest game on toucharcade. Tappy Twerk 3D is the most debated, most talked about game in toucharcade's history
I'm sure that the App Store review team had a lot of fun with this one, also, why there isn't a TA article about it, it's memes!!!
Thanks for playing guys This game was kind of an experiment on physics as well as trying to capitalize the popularity that is twerking. Please download, share it and rate it 5 stars, I am an indie programmer and made this game on a budget on $0.
They DID write an Article! http://toucharcade.com/2015/08/07/tappy-twerk-3d-brings-ios-gaming-to-new-lows/
Go to here to watch replay's from the game, we are now trending: https://everyplay.com/twerky-tap---twerking-simulator/videos
Jesus Christ..... haha what is this game? The girl is pretty hot though and I do have to admit I was mesmorized by the "butt physics"... still what was the creator thinking Did anyone else see this on Vine?
Hahaha, I have been getting that comment a lot, that it mesmerizes them, I considered marketing it as a Hypnosis app in the beggining
Check out someone playing it, and actually enjoying it? Is Tappy Twerk really the next Flappy Bird? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEPJtz5gQYo