Out Now Speed Demons (by Radiangames)

Discussion in 'Apple Arcade' started by Boardumb, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    The more you play, the more challenges are unlocked. Each chapter has multiple events. And each event has multiple types of races (rally, pursuit, escape etc). It’s not a rule, but most events require a specific vehicle which is unlocked automatically by playing very first race in said event. Than you have a choice to further upgrade each vehicle in your garage. Some of later races even let you choose a specific vehicle to race with. Progression in this game is pretty straightforward. Just play through a few races and you’ll see for yourself.
  2. radiangames

    radiangames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Sep 24, 2011
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    United States
    Version 1.1.1 of Speed Demons is out now. Has 40 new events in Chapters, along with 6 new vehicles, and landscape mode for iPad (in Graphics options).

    Version 1.1.2 was just submitted to fix the broken non-standard cameras on iPhone X/11. Sorry about that! More details about future updates at radiangames.com.
    ste86uk and macplash like this.
  3. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    #63 macplash, Nov 8, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
    @radiangames update looks great and kudos for keeping your word to bring it in early November. I like Daily quests addition. Is it something new or did I miss it earlier? Anyway, new cars, new races. It’s amazing. I didn’t try the Landscape mode yet. That might be fun. Let me find out.

    But, not to only praise, here’s one nitpick: with entirely new Chapter 6 you could also add an achievement for completing it.:rolleyes::oops::p Not that it matters with Game Center being in whatever state it currently is.

    EDIT: LOL, no way! Landscape mode makes you play sideways? That’s hilarious! Although I have no idea how controls works in that case. Seems I need to swipe up and down with a finger on one side of the screen? Doesn’t feel very responsive. Tapping doesn’t work for me though.
  4. radiangames

    radiangames Well-Known Member
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    Sep 24, 2011
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    United States
    #64 radiangames, Nov 8, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
    Landscape is mostly meant for controller play, but I definitely think it's more intuitive to have the controls match your actual movement axis. Just tried tapping and it works for me. I tap at the upper left/lower right and it seemed to control pretty well for me. But if you were expecting left/right controls, I can see how it feels weird.

    I will look at increasing responsiveness when the camera is zoomed in a bit more. It's more tuned for the overhead/default zoom, but could be a little more responsive by default, and scale better with zoom level. For now I guess increasing the sensitivity in the control options is the best bet.

    EDIT: Achievements will probably be updated next year once all 10 Chapters are in the game. Next update (December, hopefully) will have Chapters 7 and 8, and first update in 2020 will have 9 & 10. Adding achievements is a pain, so I want to do all the new ones at once rather than a little at at time.

  5. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @radiangames I’m sorry. You’re absolutely right about the controls. My first and only brief attempt was with one of the slowest trucks just by accident, so no surprise there the responsiveness was very poor. I just tried with the Mono by your advice and it works just fine. Although I’d prefer option to keep the placement of virtual buttons the same as in Portrait mode. Makes more sense to me to tap left for the car turn left despite on its current position on the screen. Making the controls up/down instead of left/right just doesn’t feel right. But it might be only me. I’m sure you’ll get more feedback from other players on the matter as well. So you can reconsider later. btw, I’m not using camera zoom. It’s set by default. No complaints there.

    If you’re planning to increase the overall content of the game to 10 Chapters eventually, I’m just speechless! The game’s gonna be MASSIVE! I’ve already spent hours and hours with it and I can’t get enough of it. Bringing even more content sounds just fantastic. I own every game from Radiangames on both mobile platforms with Slydris being my favorite up to the moment Speed Demons was introduced. Keep up the great work!
    radiangames likes this.
  6. radiangames

    radiangames Well-Known Member
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    Sep 24, 2011
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    United States
    Version 1.2.1 was just submitted. Has 150+ new events, 13 new vehicles, 2 new event modes, and more. Game now has 401 total events (and 1063 stars to get). Played through the entire game to re-test/re-balance everything since AI steering changed a bit to be more natural (and make sure all achievements work). Should be out in 2-3 weeks if all goes well. New trailer and more details when it's out (can also check out radiangames.com for a little more info).

    Sorry for taking so long on this, but hopefully it's worth it. Chapters 9+10 will be delayed 'til later this year (game is now massive already, need a little perspective to figure out what's important to do next).

  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #67 ste86uk, Feb 7, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
    Nice, a speed demons update. My life is complete.

    Update is live on the U.K. store.
  8. radiangames

    radiangames Well-Known Member
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    Sep 24, 2011
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    United States
    Thanks for posting about it ste86uk. Was just coming here to say the same thing. Here's the (fairly) complete list of changes:

    Added two new modes: Slalom and Hit & Run
    Added variation of Race (Track Race)
    Added two new modifiers: Spike (send other cars flying) and Jump (jump ability instead of brakes)
    Added 13 new vehicles
    Added 3 new normal environments
    Added 12 track environments
    Added 2 Chapters and 100+ new events (in those chapters)
    Added multiple new events to most other existing chapters
    Added new environmental effects (dust/rain/birds/etc)
    Added Arrows pointing toward target cars in Pursuit (around player car)
    More exciting spawn particle at start of race
    Changed how AI, particularly traffic, steers to be more natural (physics-based instead of faked)
    Tweaked/tuned a large number of events
    Fixed some bugs, including Chapter 3 not completing its achievement
    Tuned steering response curve, particularly with gamepad
    Reduced chances of random collisions with ground sending player car upwards

    There were other tweaks/changes along the way, but I didn't write them all down as I went along.

    Hopefully I didn't screw anything up, but if you find anything wrong/weird, please post here and I'll respond ASAP. Will submit a minor update next week to fix any issues (including minor sound problems with the new Enforcer vehicle).

    bx59 and ste86uk like this.
  9. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @radiangames a fantastic effort and exemplar approach to a single title. This game grows incredibly. It’s easily the best one from overall Apple Arcade’s lineup for me. I’m no even longer referring to Radiangames as creators of Slydris. No no! Radiangames? Oh yeah, those are the guys behind the Speed Demons! I’m so impressed by what you’re doing! Keep up a great work!
    Skall, ste86uk and radiangames like this.
  10. bx59

    bx59 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
    The most consistent Apple Arcade title, period.
  11. radiangames

    radiangames Well-Known Member
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    Sep 24, 2011
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    United States
    Hey guys, just a heads up that I'm going to be working on version 1.3.1 starting today. I'll be focusing on some frustrations people have had with the game, particularly the camera not moving to the side enough, and making the respawn function more consistent. I'm also expecting to make respawning available on a timer if you have a healthbar (once you get under a certain speed). It'll make some events a little easier, but that's ok. Also adding a short restart-delay for when you unpause the game, and going to make it less difficult to unlock stuff so you can skip vehicles you don't like more easily.

    For new content I'll be adding 2 new special chapters that have more events for some of the faster cars. No new vehicles this time.

    If you have any other frustrations/etc that you want fixed, email [email protected] to make sure I see them.
    Mike Kurrle, bx59 and anthony78 like this.
  12. radiangames

    radiangames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Sep 24, 2011
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    United States
    In case you missed it, version 1.3.1 of Speed Demons is out. It has 60 new events across 2 new chapters (Grand Prix I and Grand Prix II). 10 of the 12 event groups focus on a specific mode and environment with various vehicles, and are played as a series (have to 2-star each to unlock the next one). The other 2 groups are endurance events featuring the 5 modes in the series preceding them. GPI is after Chapter 4, and GPII is after Chapter 8.

    Other tweaks to the game:
    * Reduced star and level requirements for most races so it's easier to skip vehicles you don't enjoy
    * Added short delay when resuming the game from a pause (shorter when using a gamepad)
    * Camera is now more aggressive about keeping the player centered (particularly for iPhone X and later)
    * Respawning now has a small explosion to send other cars flying so you don't get stuck
    * Respawning is now available when you're moving slow if you have a health bar (takes a little time to charge up)
    * When jumping, the car auto-rotates towards forwards (makes jumping more forgiving)

    Not sure when 1.4 is coming, but probably sometime after the anniversary of the launch. If you find any problems with 1.3.1 or have any suggestions/feedback, feel free to email me ([email protected]).

    ste86uk likes this.
  13. DonnyDJ76

    DonnyDJ76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Hackensack, NJ
    Superb update.
  14. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    Now that some old Apple Arcade games seem to be leaving the service and becoming a premium game, is there any chance this game becomes a premium game out of the Apple Arcade service? Thank you.
  15. radiangames

    radiangames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Sep 24, 2011
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    United States
    VirtualBoyFreak likes this.
  16. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    HiRadianGames. Better late than never, lol :) I’m sure you couldn’t say anything before today & was happy to read TA post about SD becoming premium. Thanks for taking the time to redirect me to the premium thread. Day-1 buyer here :)

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