Space Miner 2 is comming!!! Its called Space Miner Wars...
Update 1.5.2 is available on the app store Platinum Edition 1.5.2 update is now available. Those pesky bugs have been squashed! Continue mining the cosmos! For players that had purchased Space Ore Bust for iPad. Please use this link to get the update!
Hey all I picked this game up today...hasn't been any activity on this forum for awhile but maybe someone will see it - I can't even start the first mission after the first tutorial mission. Jeb tells me to start working and when I go out to the sector I see four areas pop up next to home base and one of them is open w a green paper and play button. I press those and nothing happens, so I'm stuck here not able to start anything. any help?
This game is so awesome!! just picked it up. but in having trouble clicking on different areas to play. I have to literally tap on an area 20x before a box pops up to say "Go". anyone know what I can do about this? I'm playing on iPhone 6s 64gb
Yeah, the Venan guys mentioned the problem to Carter in a front-page interview a few days back. It'll be sorted out once their focus isn't on Space Miner Wars.
Great thanks for the reply...oddly enough when I upgraded to ios 9.1 it fixed the issue and I no longer had problems. This game was great! just beat it. Is space miner wars worth it?
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but big props to the devs for continued support, seven year old app and had since day one and all across all of my idevices, a huge THANK YOU DEVS!
Yes, kudos to the devs for supporting their baby still. I forgot how many times I have played this excellent game. Still one of the best in the App Store.
My all time FAVORITE GAME on iOS EVER!!! The original to me is to iOS as Mario is to Nintendo. This is a MUST PLAY for any iOS gamer. One of the very best games ever released on iOS! Almost crapped my pants thinking this was something new while having my coffee... what a freaking hardcore tease.
Totally agree. Highly recommended. If you don't have this, and enjoy space games or interesting RPGs, check this one out! 7 years on and it's still getting support. The devs deserve a bunch of cookies!
Fired it up one more time ... Has it dated badly? Am I only remembering it through rose-tinted nostalgia? Was it really that good? No, No, Yes. Nearly 3 hours of solid play later I'm as hooked as I was when it came out, astounding. From the story, the gameplay, the humour, the controls and steady progression it's all spot on.
This is one of the few that will always be on one of my current devices. Curious, did they ever add mifi?
Had great fun playing through the original sectors but couldn't complete the Pinata level, just crashed to home page after the dialogue. Great fun otherwise. Kudos to the devs for keeping it alive. I'm on the latest iOS with an iPad Pro 9.7 if anyone is still, improbably, bug-fixing.