Universal Perfect Cell -by Mobigame (Universal App) [IMGA Winner]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    It would be awesome if they would release updates with more levels or even in-app purchases for level packs.
  2. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    #82 currymutton, Dec 23, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
    Game Impressions

    My take:

    I recall in early days of TA somebody boldly claimed that stealth game is impossible to be done on iOS platform.

    I am glad that the guy is wrong. (And I don't think that matters now)

    Perfect Cell surprises me is that a pseudo 2.5D game allows you to take choices on how you play the game. Not that kind of "stealth" we are talking about in Splinter Cell. Your PC moves "quietly", can turn invisible when not moving for 2 seconds or so, and slip into any cracks in the game. The ability to avoid contact or surprise your enemy makes you mighty.

    But this is just half of the game.

    The environment is filled with obstacles that make your PC fail: burning laser, armed soldiers, and so on. To reach from one end to the other you need to deal with them, like many platform games. Your PC gets hurt, it slows and falls down slowly. It is not good, even though health regenerates slowly. It can get deadly if it is trapped inside a series of successive hazards.

    The environment is very nicely done, and the control is very smooth, no button, no controls "keys" to obstruct the screen (I guess this is where the Spider comparison comes in).

    Now on to the not-so-satisfying side:

    First of all, if I want a stealth character, I would want it to be black, not purple. :-/

    And I am not sure about the design decision, but most of the time, if the PC gets harmed, it may automatically mean death and the restart of the level, like that 3-moving-laser trap in the early game.

    There is no knowing of where the level ends. A little indicator helps.

    Each level is simply going from one point "straight" to the other and it can go rather "repetitive". A little side-exploration like secret area helps.

    I am not sure what the "bonus" of no-kill does. I would like to see "perfect stealth" bonus, or silly bonuses like "kill 4 human in-a-row", etc. Yes, adding some achievement into the game helps to extend its life.

    On the softer side, I can't help but wondering why those scientists do not pull out a can of pesticide spray when they saw my creature....
  3. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Posted earlier: 35 levels, 3 mins or so each (YMMV). Do the math. ;)

    Can replay again to take different approaches (on human, i.e.) for another round or so.
  4. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009

    1. A black creature would be really hard to see in the sometimes dark enviroments in the game, I think purple is the perfect color.

    2. Those kind of things that automatically mean death is what makes the game so fun cause it's challenging.

    3. Later in the game they introduce these crystals to collect (usually 1-2 a map which adds some side-exploration.

    Loving this game so far, some of the puzzles and traps are really challenging to figure out, very fun!
  5. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Yeah you could replay trying to kill no humans and just use stealth, or kill all the humans and collect all the crystals.
  6. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    1. Don't mean to argue but my humor is not always working. :p

    2. I would rather see it death-on-hit. :-\

    3. ...and they should have added these all over the place....
  7. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    Game Impressions

    After about a dozen levels I've all but completely lost any interest in this. Nothing new's happening gameplay-wise and each new level looks and feels the same as the last. What started off as atmospheric and intriguing, now basically just feels soulless due to the appalling dearth of fresh ideas and imagination. Bottom line: there's an intriguing game mechanic here - no game.
  8. eugekava

    eugekava Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    As we say in Australia: harsh but fair.
    So much could've been done with this game, but apart from introducing new abilties every few levels and new enemies, the gameplay is a bit repetitive. On a whole the game is not bad, but the biggest disappointment comes from realisation that this game could've been a classic with a more exciting level design. I am playing because I am hoping that it will get better. Admittedly the game did pick up the pace after level 7 or 8, but not to the point of not being able to put it down.
  9. diffusion8r

    diffusion8r Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Have you unlocked super dash and split abilities?

    Funny how your opinions vary so much from mine. Games you think are bad I like and games I hate you like.

    So everyone, bottom line from me: the game us great fun, yet although it doesn't last long you can still get fun from multiple playthroughs and rely on Mobigame to continue supporting the game.
  10. scarypharaoh

    scarypharaoh Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Medical Professional
    With Carmen Sandiego
    Sounds like the perfect mobile game. I'm really lookin forward to spending some time with this. Just so many other things to play! Mabe the best way is to enjoy one or two levels at a time and then stop.
  11. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    The problem is there is simply no progression. I'm doing exactly the same thing on level 10 as I was on level 2. I must admit the ability to "split" gave a glimmer of hope, but it appears its purpose so far is limited to being able to press two buttons at once instead of one. To achieve what could just as easily have been done by pressing one button... If I'm a third of the way through a game and nothing worthwhile has yet happened, I'm bound to begin to feel like even in the unlikely event that it does, it will be too little too late.
  12. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    Clearly it's just a matter of taste and opinion. I have taste. You have an opinion.
  13. Tommy_jr

    Tommy_jr Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2010
    the puzzles and enemies get harder as the game progresses..it goes from simply pressing a button to having to think about the situation to be order to pass it...i have not yet finished the game but there is a good example of a more complex puzzle on c8

    i personally think the game is brilliant!!! i just hope it is well supported by mobigames
  14. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    As soon as I saw the first trailer, getting a Shadow Complex but above all a Out of this World vibe, I was waiting for this title which came out all of a sudden (I was expecting it no sooner than January)...and alredy having too many titles to play I was monitoring this thread before buying.
    I must confess that some opinions put me off a bit and I have some questions to everyone who is playing it.

    Is there some story worth noting?
    I understood the gameplay, looking at videos, and it seems fun, really polished and graphically slick but...is there any story to uncover? (this would be my strongest motivation).

    I'm asking because I saw some videos with the perfect cell cruising between scientits, killing them...while other nearby scientits stood still as nothing happened....and this was something that really put me off.
    Am I wrong?
    Or is the sci fi compound only a setting for a straight puzzle game with no story, no 'realism' involved at all?

    Many thanks!
  15. ipod_david

    ipod_david Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    are there similar games iike this?
    The pixel ninja in Gamebox 2.0, is something like this - reminds me on (to, of!?!) the very first Metal Gear Solid on Playstation! So, anything like this in the store already?
    -sorry for a thread hijack ;)
  16. bgribin

    bgribin Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2009
    Seattle, WA
    How on earth did I miss this one...?
  17. scarypharaoh

    scarypharaoh Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Medical Professional
    With Carmen Sandiego
  18. Touchgamer3g

    Touchgamer3g Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2009
    After playing a bit, I have a couple suggestions:

    - In the level selection menu where it says your best time for each level, also state how many people you took down out of the total amount of people in that level.

    - Make the achievements unlockable in-game without accessing Game Center (as well as in GC).

    Hopefully these 2 features can be added in the first update!
  19. heffdog116

    heffdog116 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2009
    South Florida
    Mobi usually has a presence with their games on the site. Surprising to not see a post in here yet

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