Universal Lovecraft's Untold Stories (by Blini Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    #181 Ayjona, Jun 10, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
    I was referring to this part of the patch notes: "You can close or minimize the game, and when you open it again, the action will continue where you left it.", which is strangely listed under the "Easy" heading of the patch notes. The question was if this sentence was misplaced, or if this is weirdly only activated for the Easy difficulty.

    (And presumably this means not just closing and immediately launching the app, but to resume playing where you left off after the game has been purged from memory. Also, it is unclear how this interacts with the other part of the notes that states that Easy saves every two clean rooms.)
    anthony78 likes this.
  2. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Clearing a certain number of rooms isn’t the same as saving your state when you get a call or need to close the app for some other reason. If there are no changes for playing on hard, I’d be just as upset if I played for an hour and lost my progress. It has nothing to do with difficulty. It has to do with the nature of mobile disrupting your game play.

    So hopefully that last sentence under easy is a separate change that applies to all difficulties. I’d like to play normal but 5 rooms can still be long from that I’ve seen on the size of some of these screens. Get to the 5th room and a phone call kills your progress?

    Hopefully the dev can clarify.
  3. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    I guess what the developer means is that on both easy and normal mode if you saw the save disk picture showed up already, you can turn off game safely (or accidentally), when you open the game again, the game would continue on the last room you saw the safe disk showed up, depending on what mode you are.

    Since the easy mode saved the game every 2 cleaned rooms, it basically means you don’t need to worry about the game shut down accidentally because you just need to play two more room at most, then you would have the same progress.

    Maybe the developer would do some work on it later.
  4. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    The Saving system is applied both for the Easy mode and the Normal mode. The difference is that on Easy mode the game saves the progress after 2 new rooms explored and in the Normal mode, after 5 new rooms explored. You can see the Disk icon appearing next to your portrait when the saving is taking place.
    The Hard mode has no autosave, besides the original ones of the PC version, to respect the needs of those users that claimed that like the game as it is.
    As we see it, our interpretation may not match with every user, but we tried to offer a solution for both the casual and the hardcore players.
    Playing on Easy or Normal, doesn´t make the game boring or like a walk in the park (So far, no one has completed the game that we know of) :)

    It is more a matter of not imposing new game rules to those that were happy with the way they were, and trying to compromise with those that need a change. Applying the saving mode to the difficulty modes seems the best way to act.

    Our game is not short (20+ hours is quite a decent amount of time), nor easy. With the current saving mode you can play for hours, or as much as 3 minutes (basically the time that you need to open the game, explore 5 rooms if you play on Normal mode) and close the game. When you open it again, you will start from that very room. In our opinion, that is pretty adapted to mobile needs. I don´t know why you don´t find our saving mode "instant". If you know that you don´t have the time even to explore 5 rooms of a single level, hardly you have time to play. I see your point, but hopefully, you see ours.

    I don´t understand what you mean with "proper save game system". Again, if you don´t have time to explore 2 new rooms (on easy mode) or 5 new rooms (on normal mode) means you don´t have time to play LUS.

    Also, I don´t understand why you think that there is less content on the iOS version, compared to the desktop counterpart. We never said that. We have reduced the number of rooms on the levels but content related (enemies, minievents, quests, bosses, items, sublevels...) the game is 100% identical. I insist, 20+ hours of gameplay to complete the game, if you know what to do and don´t die much. There are desktop games which much less hours of gameplay.

    The version 1.3 has all that you say here :) You can play sessions as short as 2 to 3 minutes, and I would really need you to elaborate, where do you have the impression that our game is shorter or less challenging than the desktop version.
    Gwarmaxx and Lull4by like this.
  5. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #185 anthony78, Jun 10, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
    I don’t think you are getting the point. It has nothing to do with how much time we have to play your game. It has to do with getting a phone call and being FORCED to stop playing your game. How is that not clear?!?

    All we’re asking for is a save state. Not a normal save to go back to when you die.

    There are plenty of games that do this. And if you die you still go back to where your last “real” save is.

    Kind of feels a bit insulting when you say “Again, if you don´t have time to explore 2 new rooms (on easy mode) or 5 new rooms (on normal mode) means you don´t have time to play LUS.”

    Because it has nothing to do with our time. It has to do with the time when we have to close the game even when we don’t want to.

    The same can be said for those who want to play on hard. They will have the same problem. It has absolutely nothing to do with difficulty level.
    adin, stubbieoz and Ayjona like this.
  6. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    The save system is not for "when you die", it is a save state. Please, try it instead of opening an unnecessary discussion here.

    1) Start a game on Easy or Normal mode
    2) Open the mansion level, for example
    3) Explore 2 or 5 new rooms, depending on the level of difficulty that you chose
    4) You will see a disk icon blinking next to your character's Portrait. That means that the game is saved.
    5) Close the game and wipe it from the memory
    6) Open the game again and press continue on the main menu
    7) You will be in the exact point where you left it.

    This takes about 2-3 minutes and if you receive a call and wipes the game out of the memory, in the worst case you will have to replay up to four rooms of the level, if you received the call between one save state and another.

    I hope this clarifies it.
  7. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #187 anthony78, Jun 10, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
    Then I don’t understand why you didn’t do this for all difficulty levels. Aren’t people who play on hard going to have the same issue when a phone call comes in? I has nothing to do with difficulty. That’s my point. You should have had a save state across the board. So now if I want to play on a more difficult level, I have to worry about losing my progress after a long playing session just because I got a phone call.

    Makes no sense at all to vary it by difficulty. This is a mobile issue. Not a difficulty issue.

    Losing an hour of progress on hard because you got a phone call doesn’t make the game harder. It makes it more annoying.
    stubbieoz and houseofg like this.
  8. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    I bought the Winchester and MAN took out the first boss in two shots I imagine the cemetery will be do-able now :p
  9. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    Your point was a totally different one because you thought our saving system is in case of deaths, but let's move on :)

    Why did we decide to keep the Hard more without saving state? Because we have many players who are OK with the original checkpoints of the PC version and we need to respect their opinion as well. These are players who, like some that wrote in this forum, turn the "Do not disturb" to play without interruptions.

    Also, an important point here to raise:

    The difference on iOS between Normal mode & Hard mode is precisely the new Save system. On Hard mode you still have the classical checkpoint in between the levels and the Strange Place to save your game. (And again, these are not saves just "in case you die" but save states)
  10. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #190 anthony78, Jun 10, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
    You clearly don’t understand. Not everyone can turn on “do not disturb”.

    Just make an option to put in a save system every two rooms or whatever regardless of difficulty.

    Not being able to play on hard because of not having a save state due to getting phone calls is just insulting to mobile gamers.

    If you make it just an option for everyone regardless of difficulty, everyone could be happy.
    Ayjona likes this.
  11. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    With 2 more items to increase reload speed, you would find that you don’t even need to reload anymore (which also increase fire speed I guess). :D

    BTW You should try the Thompson later, it is just INSANE.
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  12. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Maybe I read that wrong, is saving the ONLY difference between easy, normal and hard? No difference at all between enemy difficulty, etc?

    If so, it may just be better to change it to a setting for save states. Easy, normal and hard implies that the game itself is more difficult itself.

    As I mentioned before, getting phone calls is not a choice. So it would be strange to say a game is more difficult because you don’t want disruptions to make you have to replay levels. That’s not difficulty. That’s just mobile convenience.
  13. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    1) The difference between Normal and Hard is the saving system. That´s all! If you cannot avoid calls, then the Normal mode is for you because the difficulty of the game is like the one in Hard mode, but with the save state included.
    2) The Easy mode is easier on every aspect. The saving system saves the state more frequently than in Normal, and also the enemies are easier.
    3) I agree with you that the Patch Notes are not as explanatory as they should be, and we are sorry for that.
  14. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Thanks for the explanation. I personally think it may be better to have an Easy and Hard difficulty based on the level of challenge you want to have in enemies.

    Then have a save state toggle in options depending on what you want with that. Maybe classic and mobile enhanced, with explanations.

    I really don’t think save states have anything to do with difficulty. It’s more of a mobile convenience.

    So right now it’s confusing to call a game “normal” or “hard” when there is no difference other than wanting to make sure a phone call doesn’t ruin your experience.

    Sorry for the criticism. Just want you to understand that convenience doesn’t equal difficulty.
  15. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    so wait a minute, is it sure that if we get a call or minimize it mid-play we have to reload? doesnt the game pause while it is minimised? it has to reload when you tab back to it?
  16. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    If it isn’t wiped from memory, it will save where you are but in my experience phone calls can cause it to be killed for memory management.

    Any game. Not just this one, but a lot of others automatically save your state in that situation.
  17. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    Please, don´t be sorry. These conversations are really productive and useful. We can also be mistaken and need other opinions to understand it. The opinion of the community is very important for us from day 1.

    In this case, it was more of a practical approach. Whereas the option that you propose seems the most logical one, it creates lots of issues at a technical level. Our option was quite easy to do though, and thanks to that, we could release the patch that quick :)

    If in the future we can go from "practical" to "logical", most definitely will do it.
    anthony78 likes this.
  18. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    I guess the phone app took all the memory from the game if you are using the older iPhone, since the memory is not enough to support both the game and the phone app, the iPhone would transfer other apps’ memory to the phone app, maybe that is why some people can’t play the game after the phone ringing.
  19. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    Not for a fact. The game pauses when minimizes, but also there is the chance that the game will be wiped out of the memory. Under this possibility, and due to the nature of our game that you need about 20 mins to complete a level, the state saving was a necessary thing to add.

    If after the call, the game is still on the memory, simply maximize it and continue playing :)
    ramzarules likes this.
  20. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    allright, thanks! but for the future like you say, please think of the mobile nature. Getting the game to pause when in call or minimised, and resuming when you tab back to it is essential and all these pages about save discussion could be instead about how great the game is :)

    Also, getting a bunch of 5 star reviews that get wiped because you have to update week 1 is not ideal from the devs point of view as well - unless the store keeps the reviews from update to update?
    stubbieoz, houseofg and Blini_Games like this.

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