Congrats on the new pair of socks! Now.....if I could only find my missing sock, the missing pants would surely follow #
We will deliver mfi support very soon. We have our first update in process, which includes only minor changes and updates for english screenshots. We have it sent in the day of our release. The next one will be packed with icloud and MFI) But our game is totally playable with on-screen controlls, check out this thread and upcoming for the proofs)
I'm downloading this now, mostly because of the glowing reviews and the absurd and charming personality it seems to have, but also because high quality premium games need to be supported with wallets more than words.
I wasn't going to respond proof, but feel I have to since I've been lumped in with the other "sheep" here. I'm an artist, designer and developer have been for the past 15 years and there's nothing more insulting than someone who likely has no appreciation of the hard work and sacrifice that goes into a small team creating something truly worthwhile saying that it isn't worth the price of a McDonald's Happy Meal. In my opinion, and that of most people here, this game is well worth the asking price, on par with some PSN minis and PS One classics to which belong some games that aren't as fun as this one. Second, considering that this is an indie developer with a fraction of the development budget (and team salaries) of a company like Ubisoft, this game is quite the accomplishment and it compares very favorably. It's understandable if you don't like the game that's purely subjective and totally respected but what this small team has accomplished is something to be lauded, especially on today's app store full of Temple Run clones. This game appeals to those of us who loved the good old days when games were an artform, not a means of continually mining money off you. It appeals to those of us who are happy to pay for a quality premium title. And though it may have a few flaws, the one thing that is beyond dispute is that this game *is* a quality title and it deserves our support for daring to stand out from the F2P crowd. Rant over. Sorry, I took umbrage with being called a "sheep" just for liking the game.
The Lost Socks discussion in this week's TA podcast is beyond incredible. Highly recommend you guys listen to it...especially those of you who are complaining about the price and/or worried it'll ever go F2P.
WOW! Thank you for posting it. I wasn't going to listen to it since I have missed 'Lost Socks' in there!
Well, I didn't realise that it is a podcast either Probably that's because the only thing I'm searching for now is our title
You're featured in Portugal store as well, in best new games, but not on the bigger banners. You're also the only premium game in there. Already left my lengthy 5* review on it
Yaay! Thank you for the news. By the way, how is the localisation? Are the texts adopted well? We've had some worries about portuguese
Finally unlocked shredder and immediately made progresses against the boss but the second stage has yet to click with me. Not sure it's doable without hurricane but I'll try...hurricane is a loooong way off for now.
Is it doable without hurricane? A pity I couldn't play last week...took me just a hour to unlock shredder, which is awesome btw.
Well, maybe it's too much for me. I manage to get to the second stage...but it's too long to survive and it takes me too much to kill it before it kills me. I'm not sure but maybe I found a bug in the boss level. Spoiler Often the game seems to go out sync. I mean...if I manage to get 'upstairs' when the boss with the ball soon as I get up he flashes away....then I walk alone...after a bit the sequence restarts but every time I go upstairs I'm alone. Only way to reset is kicking the game out of memory and restart.
Uhh, I can give it a try, but I kind of have my device on English, because usually the Portuguese present in games is from Brazil. I'll give it a shot and let you know, anyway. Edit: ok, it's Brazilian Portuguese alright. Everything seems to be nicely done, except I guess it's by design that both the combo's, and the sock's exclamations haven't been translated. Such a good game though, even the different language couldn't break my immersion.