Awesome game! Been playing this on and off whenever I can. Finally got all pro tokens a few days. A little frustrating at times with the homing cars on later levels lol but the challenge was fun all the way through. Hard, but not so hard that you'd want to break your phone. The game is definitely a 10/10 however I was a little disappointed with the final prize for all pro tokens Still feels like you could unlock more but with a 121% completion rate I would think I got it all. I'm gonna be getting the new AppleTV in the near future and praying this will run fine on it because it really is a great game. *** hid the rewards in the pic not to spoil it for those still playing ***
I hadn't played this for a while, and came back to it this evening, and discovered a serious bug with the controller support. Whenever I hit the B button to fire a nitro, the game goes to the pause menu. If I resume the race the nitro fires and I can continue my race, but having the game pause every time I fire a nitro seriously disrupts my flow and makes me mess up. This basically ruins the controller support. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I'm using a Mad Catz CTRLI with an iPad 4 running iOS 9.1. The controller works fine with other games, including the B button. Thanks.
Oh my goddddddd, I can not... for the life of me, get gold on the last India track (Varanasi 03). I can never get anything better than 2nd and it's driving me crazy!! Anyone have any tips? It's literally the last track I need gold on haha
Hello everybody! I am brazilian and i do not speak english very well yet, so some things are translated, okay? Well ... i do not know if this is the right place for this, but can anyone help me? I play Horizon on an Android device, and i have done 100% 3 times (that's right) to try to release a hidden achievement ... to the "secret" of the marriage proposal of Leitch i did, and nothing of achievement appear .. . Does anyone know how to release or can give me a hint?
In case anyone else runs into this problem, I found the solution. The X button is the correct button for firing nitro, and works correctly without pausing the game. I had been playing other driving games which use A or B to fire boost/nitro, figured that was the right thing to do here too. The problem I described in my previous post still a bug though. If you hit the A or B buttons, the game pauses, and when you resume the race it also fires off a nitro. I can't imagine it's intentional that pausing and firing a nitro are connected this way. Also the Pause button on the controller does nothing, but really it should be what pauses the game.
Free to try? F2P? WTF! Honestly, why don't devs release two versions instead of transforming paid to F2P/F2T/F2Whatever...? Payback2 has the F2P version and the Pro paid version, and they keep both updated.
Huh? What do you guys know that I don't? Is there a new version out? I don't see it. In fact I can't find Horizon Chase in the US App Store at all right now.
Hmm, that doesn't sound bad. If it's really just that you can play the first 5 tracks for free, and then pay a one time fee to unlock the rest of the game, then IMO there's nothing to complain about. I'd actually prefer that to having two versions, especially since iOS doesn't provide any way that I know of to share game saves between apps. If they made two apps, then someone who decided they wanted to buy it after finishing the free tracks would have to start the game over.
So... You like paying twice for everything, huh? I've got my Virtual Boy collection for sale if you're interested... Honestly, if I've paid for the premium game already, why should I pay for a premium unlock IAP? I think it makes no sense...
If it's really true that people who've already bought the game are going to have to pay again then I'll agree that's a problem. Do you know for a fact that that's the case, and that they haven't implemented some way so that people who already bought the game won't have to buy the unlock?
lol...I'd be REAL surprised if people who already bought the game will have to pay again. I wouldn't panic until you have some proof that's the case...
As soon as you delete the game from your phone and reinstall, you lose any premium you had. The first thing that comes to my mind is Edge of Oblivion: Alpha Squadron 2, but there are many more.
Very curious to hear about the implications for previous purchasers before I update. I definitely won't pay twice.