I think I should save "GunRounds" for the sequel otherwise how will people tell them apart? I JUST saw that and had to sit down. Gonna print the article out and frame it on my wall.
Noooooooooo! You beat us all xD And here I thought I was making fast progress for reaching 3-4 Haha Good job! Hard mode? Maybe try not to recover HP at shops or not to lose your kill streak? If you already beat it like this, then I think you've already burnt your $2.99
Beating the normal mode seem to have unlocked the hard mode. I will post how it is different compared to normal later.
OH. MY. DOG! Sorry, I got it all wrong. That's amazing news. Thanks for the heads up! It's definitely something to look forward to Still, you beat us all... (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I am seriously impressed, you have got to be at least 10 times as good at the game as me or any of my beta testers!
I saw a notification that was a response from you in this thread and thought you were about to say you already beat hard mode. I'm gonna have to add an "ultra hard mode" or something in the next update!
Well, almost there. I think you need to check the magic circle laser and the big skull attack. Some of the patterns are unavoidable.
Okay, if you know that the particular pattern is coming, then I guess it is possible. I don’t see myself pulling that off in the hard difficulty though. You know the reason why I say so.
I’m just wondering as it’s a bit confusing for me when people say turn based but then also mention reflexes? Usually turn based to me would mean you can take your time no twitch based play but then people mention having the reflexes. @Jstorm not surprising to see you doing so well you seem pretty amazing at all of the games I see you play.
That’s because this game is a mix of turn based and action. So, the game is a turn based because you attack once, followed by each enemy making their attack. This game is also an action game because you need to block enemy attacks with your shield at the right timing. To avoid confusion, all the attacks in this game are projectile based. On top of each enemy having two attack methods, attacks with multiple projectiles have multiple firing patterns. Combined with varied distance with the player character, some reflex combined with muscle memory is required to successfully block attacks.
@Jstorm thank you, so I can take my turn and then need to really focus for the enemy attacks but then get a breather when it’s back to my turn again?
Yes. There is no time limit during your turn. You can carry up to 4 weapons. I don’t know how many weapons there are, but I think I’ve seen at the least 20. Each weapon consumes a set amount of ammo, which can be reloaded manually by spending a turn, or recharged by successfully blocking enemy attacks. Reloading should be avoided as much as possible, because on top of not being able to attack during your turn, reloading temporality reduces the radius of your shield (your shield is a circle around the character. The shield is activated only at the moment when you activate it, and has a brief cool down) , making it harder to block enemy attacks.
Oh, I wanted to ask...is there anything more to the timer in the options menu than it just displaying the time on the screen? I ask because it definitely isn’t corresponding with my time of death (by a few seconds) each time I’ve turned it on. *shrugs*
It's just for keeping track of your time! That's weird though... I just tested it and it was off by like 5ms for me, is it off for multiple seconds for you?