If Konami could get around to bringing Symphony of the Night (the actual game this time) to iOS, I'm sure that'd go down rather well. ^_^
Gesundheit! has been out for 1 month today, and we are 1 week from the release of our newest game to be published by Konami. Sounds like a good time for a bit of a celebration sale For a limited time.. pick up THREE critically acclaimed 80's classics for your collection for just 99c each! Karate Champ 99c (normally $1.99) Karate Champ XL (normally $2.99) Road Blaster 99c (normally $1.99) Road Blaster HD 99c (normally $2.99) Cobra Command 99c (normally $1.99) Check em all out here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/revolutionary-concepts/id314283968 Enjoy! *Note: None of these are ports or run under emulation. All 100% coded from the ground up and enhanced beyond their original arcade counterparts, as you can see from the reviews by sites like Touch Arcade.
I can totally recommend all of revolutionary concepts games there all fantastic, especially "cobra command" & "road blaster". They have to be one of my favourite dev/publishers on iOS. Ps. Make some more laser disc games PLEASE ;-)
Oh Frogger! I hadn't even thought of that cause I thought that game had came out back in '08 or something. Admittedly that wouldn't have gotten me excited if I hadn't seen the screens of the game and the story. Looks great.
Another frogged ... I like banzai rabbit, even if it has proved so far boingnafter sometimes .... Now another one. Mmmm .... I will wait for the next next game.
hehe. Well there is only one true Frogger. He was due for a refresh and we were delighted to be asked of course Frogger Decades and Gesundheit! were worked on at the same time, our next next title will be something extra special In the meantime I just posted the trailer for Frogger Decades in the upcoming area and so see what you think then
In the meantime I picked back banzai ...... I guess two froggers are better than one . In any case, to be asked to make a commemorating edition of frogger, must have felt super special.
Something special? Omg is it a remake of the zx spectrum game "kickstart" I remember I loved that game. Well whatever it is I'm sure it will be cool.
I thought the sequel was pretty good! Oooo Kickstart is a great game! You can hack it into Spectaculator, or buy it (and Kickstart2) in the Commodore 64 app.
Ooo might have to check it out on the commodore 64 app I remember playing it a lot on the spectrum (only the spectrum version I played had less colours than the c64)
loving the game but omfg i want to break my ipod when i have to do a map like 20 times in a row to get 3 starfruits. so frustrating ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! screw you mosquito's!