Toot toot- Few more screenshots on the front page article that haven't been posted so far. Galactic Keep looks absolutely amazing.
Wow, I've been a lurker for awhile, but I must say that I had to post that Galactic Keep looks AMAZING. I love the art style and looks very original. Day one download for me. p.s. I still have a box full of my old Lone Wolf books somewhere at my parents house. Ahhh...memories
Does anyone else feel like Galactic Keep is going to ruin their lives? I have a feeling i'm going to be playing insane amounts
I can't even begin to think about how much work this feature would be, but... Co-op? Push notifications to your friends that it's game time? Just hankering for some old-school RPG goodness (my NWN2 party sizzled out a while ago, my Shadowrun group ended with arrival of a child, and now we only really get together once a month to play Arkham Horror).
I know how you feel. Co-op would be amazing. We're working on the game one step at a time. We're going to start with the local battles, lock that down, and work from there. Putting multiple player-controlled characters on a map (locally) would be the next step...then online co-op. It would involve new (types of) missions too. The game will be an iterative process. promises...but wanted to let you know that I hear you!
I'm so glad Hodapp put this on the home page! I'm so stoked about this, totally sjgame-ish (which I'm surprised they, or anyone else has done) I personally would tweak #10's look, maybe the eyes, maybe some cleavage. Idk, ask Obama.... (current event news jk there
Oh my... I really like your art style. Can't wait for this game! Instant buy for me. I think this gem will win over many gamers who miss good story-driven games in the appstore. For me, it's all about the story and good characters. Co-up via bluetooth or wifi would be a killer feature; through internet also of course, as somebody mentioned. Must ask, is it your rules or is it borrowed from Dungeons and dragons or any other roleplaying game?
Galactic Keep looks really fantastic. I think games with less 'gameplay' and more story telling etc. work better on the iPhone due to the limited control scheme. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
The rules are going to be unique to the game but will certainly be familiar to people who have played other systems. We're focusing on the d10 as the core die...which mixes things up a bit: it allows for smaller rolls and for percentage rolls (smaller than a d20, larger than a d6). In the core battle, each character will have a primary weapon (unlimited use) and a special attack (that can only be used a certain number of times in each battle). We're considering adding in a critical hit and failure system (for rolls of 10 and 1) in battle that will add flavor (through random actions). Eli noted this to us as something he'd be into and we think it's pretty doable. With a d10 they should happen quite often (as compared to a d20) and I think it will work well. I love the idea of being able to massively screw up or really disadvantage your enemy! For example, a critical attack roll of '10' in a battle would trigger 1 of 25 'special' things to happen during the attack like crippling the opponents weapon for a couple turns, hitting an opponents 'weapon hand', reducing their damage for the rest of the battle etc. The characters attributes factor into the game as modifiers to specific actions. More about this once we lock more of the game down!
We'll be sure to announce when beta testing begins! Like I said earlier, this game will call for a lot of play balancing so we'd like to pre-test it thoroughly (and continue to adjust after launch if need be).
The only negative I've seen to Galactic Keep so far is that we have to wait so long for it to come out
How long do we have to wait for Galactic Keep? I probably missed the time line in any earlier post. This looks like a MUST HAVE game.