Dungeon Maker : Dark Lord *Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.GameCoaster.DungeonMaker *App Store : https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1359652100 Touch Arcade users have good opinions on the improvement of Dungeon Maker. If your feedback is sent to the developer, it is likely to be reflected. To send feedback to the developer, check out the developer contact below. The developer may not be able to reply, but this developer will try to reflect user feedback as much as possible. *Developer Contact : [email protected] *This image is an illustration of the Pixiv user (洗面 き ぬ 子). If you need guides to Dungeon Maker, check it out. [Review] Hands Down One of the Greatest Dungeon Games You Will Ever Play (by Sarah Saunders) https://toucharcade.com/2018/06/22/dungeon-maker-dark-lord-review/ [Guide & Tip] Dungeon Maker : Dark Lord https://forums.toucharcade.com/threads/guide-tip-dungeon-maker-dark-lord.319561/ *Dungeon Maker Video Guide (by Box In A Corner) https://forums.toucharcade.com/threads/guide-tip-dungeon-maker-dark-lord.319561/#post-4104585 Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
The following is the results of the Dungeon Maker challenge revealed by the 3rd ranked user who played Rebecca on Google Play. XD
The goal of my current run was to build some 6* rooms to take with me on harder levels. I'm currently passing room 900, all my rooms are prepped but are missing lounges to complete them. How is it possible for RNG to not give me a lounge or 2 in 700 levels including well over 100,000 gold spent at the Merchant looking for a lounge? Either there is a bug for lounges not dropping or this is the worst RNG ever. There needs to be an option to buy specific rooms, even if charging a much higher price. Since new content keeps adding rooms, with more rooms you have a lower chance of getting the room you want. If 10 more new rooms are added it will eventually take 1000+ battles to get a single drop you need.
Is there any requirement to unlock the Awakening skill? My Emma (Awakening unlocked) stays at lv 10 (100%) and I try another run but the skill is still locked, even though it said I've reached lv 11 when I lost previous run.
It will open itself when the EXP is stacked. Perhaps your Emma seems to get that skill after completing the next challenge. (Emma: http://migelhososi.tumblr.com)
That's a good point. It will become increasingly harder to get any specific room as more are added. I like the idea of being able to obtain any room at a much higher price
I agree with that, i accidentely lost all of my warhorns by withdrawing before placing them down (i still could succeed my monsters, but for rooms i could only succeed the normal room you have at the start <.<) So i had to play on lower difficulties (Hard 10) to get atleast 1 warhorn back or other good traprooms or battlerooms, and i got 2 extremely unlucky runs, where in the first run i didn´t get a lounge until 400 so i got 1 warhorn after that run, and in the second run, i got a lot of lounges but no fury rooms... Well i managed to create and save a meteorshower so it wasn´t that bad, but i really want a feature to get specific rooms, s.o. mentioned something like a black market before, you could also make that into a event instead of a new card or just add a choose a construction option for the merchant where you could buy a lvl 1 room for as example : 250 for a 1* room, 500 for a 2*, 750 for a 3* (double in trial, and the 750 for 3* might still be too cheap), you could even make it into a reserving , for example pay 750 gold for lounge, and after 20 days+ if you visit the merchant again you will get that room (for lower rarity, less days + less gold to get the room), eitherway there are tons of ways to implement something like that. And in general a lot more events could be added with for example, event exclusive monsters, i mean we already have event exclusive relics, so why not the same for monsters? Because a lot of the events are not that usefull, i mean has anyone ever bought one of the monster eggs? Or upgrading all traps? Its not that impactful compared to the few really good events like giving all units a weapon or making all units elite, and i wouldn´t mind a few more events that give you a benefit aswell as a downside, aslong as its not 5 trivial level ups like the offering event ...
Here's yet ANOTHER suggestion that I'd like help pushing for: The ability to retain ONE room whenever you decide to replace it with a new one. By choosing to do so, the new room won't get the experience it would normally get, but you will be able to store it for later! Be it for room exchange, special room fusion, or the next time you get a new room. I got this idea from remembering, heh, Tetris.
Talk about a brain fail! I JUST noticed that the difficulty levels are only for REBIRTH xp not for leveling up your Dark Lord. So I guess just play your shiny new Dark Lord on level 0 and go as far as you can, then maybe up it to something where you can still easily go deep. I lost my phone and my progress, and I've done 5 consecutive games getting to 100 and upping the difficulty each time...and my Dark Lord is mid level 8. Pretty clear I'm doing it wrong. If 6-700 days are required to get to level 10, better to do it in 2 or 3 games, yeah?
I may be missing something obvious, but how to you unlock new dark lords? I got "Floria Awakening" in a pull but it says she's still locked?
You need to get a vault card to unlock the lord. The awakening card unlocks the ability to level her past level 10 to get the new 'awakening' abilities.
This game, Dungeon Maker, requires the following settings for iOS cloud function to work properly. 1st. Both devices are connected to Wi-fi environment. 2nd. Both devices are signed in with the same Apple account. 3rd. Both devices are signed in with the same iCloud account. 4th. Both Keychains are active. The Keychain menu can be accessed from iCloud in Settings. You need to make sure that all of the above conditions are met. For reference, Keychain appears to be playing an important role in cloud synchronization for this game. * iCloud Save : Dungeon Maker https://forums.toucharcade.com/threads/dungeon-maker-dark-lord-by-gamecoaster.319369/page-7#post-4100239
You can get the darklords, aswell as 6* monsters, all relics except for shovels+ the ones unlocked at the start of the game all in the original pack, you can click on the magnifier to check the content of the pack, and i highly recommend you to get things like enhance, auto skill and succesion of monsters+ facility aswell as all of the above before putting the majority of your gems into the awakening pack (for reference i have 78/140 for original and only 32/98 for awakening)
A little basic advice if you please? I found this game over the weekend and I'm addicted. I'm playing when I should be sleeping and when I should be working. But I'm not looking for Dungeon Maker Anonymous, I'm not understanding the leveling progressions. So I only have the first two starting bosses. I have one of them leveled to 10 and one leveled to 6. I'm basically trying to grind to collect the tokens at the end of each run so I can unlock more rooms, bosses, upgrades etc. I have some unlocked like being able to have a bodyguard and carry forward four monsters. I thought I understood that basically if I set up a run, got to day 101 or whatever... passed day 100, and then withdrew I'd get some gems, buy an unlock pack and do it again. It doesn't seem like that is always the case however. I just completed a run with the level 6 and withdrew after day 101 and got zero gems or coins or whatever. Can someone please provide a strategy for building up your coins/collection? Thanks.
Hi, Welcome. Have you ever read this tip? Maybe you have the information you need. *The fastest way to collect Dark Stone. https://forums.toucharcade.com/threads/dungeon-maker-dark-lord-by-gamecoaster.319369/page-16#post-4101211 Here's The fastest way to collect Dark Stone I currently think of. - Achieve all 10 levels of Dark Lord you own. - Once, survive up to 100 days for each difficulty. - Strategies aimed at overcoming the 340 days of the last difficulty currently offered. (if you overcome it, you are deemed to have achieved all the difficulty achievements you have not yet achieved) *Guide for new beginners (by @ArtNJ) https://forums.toucharcade.com/threads/dungeon-maker-dark-lord-by-gamecoaster.319369/page-25#post-4104083
Did you find that you could choose the difficulty? If you have passed the day 100, each time you restart the game, the next difficulty opens. Usually beginners miss it. The higher the difficulty, the more rewards you will get.
How about this? XD This Pic is a harmonious scene of Emma with the artifacts appearing in Dungeon Maker. (This Pic is Emma by tomatika)