Universal DOOM (by id Software)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by doctorded, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. Gamingfun

    Gamingfun Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2009

    about tilt to turn feature: "The functionality is still there without a user interface, so you can enable it by four-finger-tapping to bring up the keyboard and typing "tiltturn 4000" or some number like that, and it will stay set. Make sure you have tiltmove pulled down to 0."

    I can confirm this works :D
  2. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
  3. antosimoni

    antosimoni Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    Id like to say that mr Carmack has done a great job with the engine : wolfie with more than 2 enemies on screen was slowing down a lot (I have a 3G) but doom always perform flawless, Im waiting doom 2 as map 8 (tricks & traps) has always been my benchmark for doom performance, great game
  4. AchillesReborn

    AchillesReborn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    Tilt turn works well, but I don't like using tilt on any iphone games, so I set it back to 0 (that turns it off again for anyone wondering!).
    Man, I love Doom. I'd forgotten how much I love the level designs!
  5. LBG

    LBG Señor Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    nada ilegal
    31.560499, -111.904128
    This game was originally released in the same year that I was born! :D
    We celebrate out birthdays together.
  6. RoyalCanadian

    RoyalCanadian Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2009
    the best part is because of doom classics success quake classic is in development!
  7. LBG

    LBG Señor Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    nada ilegal
    31.560499, -111.904128
    This game is just as good as I remember it, runs nice and smooth on the iPhone, perfect resolution and the controls work well.
    I am suprised that with the amount of gore, it got through Apple's approval process. But then again, how could they say no to DOOM?
  8. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    Why didn't they release this in germany? :mad:
  9. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    FYI, we will speak with carmack this afternoon about doom c
    lassic if there are any questions you guys want answered.

  10. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

  11. elimcfly

    elimcfly Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Here's a Question: With a Doom 2 RPG announced, will we still see Doom 1 RPG?
  12. nodoctors

    nodoctors Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2009
    man doom rpg is so great. i keep an old phone of mine just for that. hopefully they get cracking on doom rpg 2 and doom 2 dlc before they even think about porting the original over, though.

    i would like to know when we'll get our hands on the doom 2 dlc(aka, the super shotty unlocker), and if they plan on having online multiplayer available for doom classic. i'm also curious about an ETA on quake classic, and whether he has any more information on his Doom++ project that involved new graphics and maps.
  13. I've sense changed up the controls

    turned off ramp
    centered controls
    using control scheme 2
    made the controls invisible

    working well so far.. i just feel i stick to the walks when moving around. in wolf you kinda glide around walls.. here your momentum stops as soon as you touch a wall.
  14. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Wow I feel old now. :(
    My guess is they're working on a nice online multiplayer infrastructure right now, while working on Quake. In a few months, Quake will drop with true online MP over 3G or wifi. Then they will use what they've learned from that to patch up Wolf3D and Doom with true online MP, just cause they're bad ass and they can. Well, that's my dream anyway. Also, I'm sure they'll ad the map sharing functionality to Doom in the future too. And hopefully Wolf and Doom will get the ability to download mods with different textures and stuff. It would be so awesome since there is so many crazy mods from back in the day. Oh, so much potential for awesomeness it makes me giddy. :D

    That's an interesting blog from John C. I love that he took tilt to turn out because he thought it cluttered up the interface. Like anyone ever cares if there's too many options in the options screen :p Just shows that he takes his work seriously, and seems pretty anal about how everything is. It's cool that the option is still there, and you can access it through the console. I wonder what other magic wonders await us in this console? At first I was really struggling with the controls, they felt WAY too sensitive. But what I've found is if you just place your thumbs in one spot on the controls, and then just roll your thumbs a little in the directions you need to go, you can control it quite deftly. I was so used to sliding my thumbs around the screen, especially since playing Eliminate, but if you just subtly roll the pressure from your thumbs around you can pretty much control the sensitivity on your own. It's done wonders for me figuring this out. TA I'm really interested to hear/read your discussion with John C, can't wait!
  15. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
  16. Rad

    Rad Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2009
    Remember this poster that came in one of the boxed versions?

    Yep I still have it :)

  17. mrkgoo

    mrkgoo Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2008
    I'm loving Doom on the iPhone, but despite the controls, not because of them. I'm not generally one who likes options - I like to adapt to the controls system that the developers have fine tuned. I find it kind of weird - like one side of the turn d-pad is more sensitive than the other (maybe it's how I position my thumb and where I THINK it's pressing as opposed to where it's pressing). I think the touch zone isn't represented well by the on screen graphic - I find I'm firing AND turning at the same time if I mis press the fire. It's hard to know what actually happens when you make the d-pads smaller as well.

    I can't decide whether I like the high sensitivity or not. I'm constantly hitting walls, and find myself using them to align, which shouldn't happen in an FPS.

    I also can't decide between centering on/off. I seem to be ok with both, but note that you lose the ability to 'tap' the controls when you have them recenter.

    I have ramping off, but I can't pinpoint exactly what it does. Feels a bit faster to turn, I guess, with it off.

    Despite all this, I have managed to progress to the last episode on the hardest difficulty, so it's bearable!

    Thanks, John and co. A great game, as it always has been - remains one of my most favourite FPS games.

    Off to listen to the interview.
  18. Just listened to the interview, great insight on the development. LOL @ John for liking the Apple community better than the console/PC community :D

    Hope he gets the community input on future releases like he did on the doom controls.
  19. nodoctors

    nodoctors Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2009
    john is THE MAN! that interview was so great. i love how down to earth and honest he is. as for the community comment, can you blame the guy? while these boards have their bumps here and there, it's generally a very mature and good natured place that loves to support and back the hard working developers(and man, if you want an example of a hard working dev, just listen to all of the stuff john carmack has on his plate! god bless this man, he is a fan pleaser). when you go to popular console gaming message boards it's like being thrown into a schoolyard. obviously he doesn't mean that all console fans are the end of humanity or anything of the sort, or that consoles are even close to being a negative thing, but it's apparent that the level of maturity and even sanity becomes skewed at certain forums.

    that aside, i'm glad to hear that doom dlc is certainly coming down the pipelines once they decide how they want to distribute it. from doom 2 up to final doom...i want it all. as for in app purchasing of the map packs versus a complete premium package ala wolf platinum, i'm voting for the premium packaging. i'd rather just get it all in one neat app instead of adding to the current package incrementally. it may take longer, but i find it's ultimately the more satisfying and cleaner choice. talks of quake classic coming in the next quarter has gotten me pumped, and i'm still surprised that they're going to attempt a serious port of quake 3(most likely next fall/winter). it's a tall order, but if id pulls it off, that would be the killer multiplayer app for a long time.

    id has been a great company that obviously takes the iphone platform seriously and cares about the community. if you're on the fence about whether you want to purchase any of their apps, i personally couldn't recommend them any more. id is a major company that should continue to be supported. and really, how cool is it that as busy as john carmack is, he still gives toucharcade the time for an interview?
  20. AchillesReborn

    AchillesReborn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    Just finished E4M2 (perfect hatred). WOW!!! I don't think I've ever played episode 4 before. The levels are insane!!

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