Also, I wanted to let everyone know - a user found a progress-stopping bug on his iphone 6 (the regular iphone 6 not the +), in level 84 when you talk to lloyd, the game will crash out. we've already submitted the update to Apple, but sorry in advance if any of you get this bug.
Thanks for letting us know. The way I'm plowing through it, looks like I better slow down! Awesome game! Each Cally's gets better every time. The controls are spot on. I've been rocking the sniper rifle so far. Love how it locks on to enemies. Gladly supported the team with the $4.99 unlock. For people new to the series, you're gonna wanna buy the coin multipliers from the shop. Makes buying other stuff a lot quicker. Thanks again, Jordan.
Congrats on the 5 star TA review! Jordan, one tiny request. The apostrophe in "Cally's"... I know it's a super stupid request, but could you add it to the app title under the icon on our devices. Pretty please? *hides*
WOW we just got a 5 star review and it is the best day of my life. Literally our #1 goal when we started CC3 was to turn our 4 star review for cc2 into a 5 for this game. It's the greatest feeling in the world. Toucharcade gave us a platform and covered our stuff when everyone else ignored it. So a huge thank you to the TA staff, we are so grateful. Thank you!!! thanks so much for purchasing the unlock Thanks NOEN!!! Yeah i can definitely do that lol. no need to hide! We have gotten pretty good about taking feedback so even if you wanna tell me how much the game sucks, we are grateful for that!
Yup, this is fantastic 5 stars from me too. So much content! Congrats on another awesome installment - unlock will be purchased a little later on.
Hey thank you!!! we thought long and hard about how to do iAP right so it's awesome to hear you're happy with it
Haha, thanks. Yeah, it's a little crazy how you can see the evolution of Cally's Caves right before your eyes in every single aspect (well, you'll be able to again once the first Cally title is put back on the App Store). Also, the difference between 2 and 3 is so much more apparent once you actually have your hands on the games. Watching Carter's Mobcrush video did not give that impression. Also, yeah...not only is a 5/5 a 5/5, the review was by none other than Shaun Musgrave. That, I would say, is monumental. No one on the site (sorry Carter) writes reviews like Shaun.
Nice find! reminds me of shantae and nubs adventure. Familiar game play, dives right in easily The IAP price is not listed in the IAP screen?
Holy crap this game is gold. Checked out the 2nd one played a couple of levels and removed it cause of IAP feature. But this... Wow well done. Goodjob dev. I'll buy some gold to support you.
It's crazy cause we set two goals when we started CC3 and one of them was to get a 5 star review here. We appreciate Toucharcade being willing to look at such an indie title like ours we have no marketing budget, made the game for literally 0 dollars while sleeping on friends couches, etc. This is like the ultimate win! sorry, it's $2.99 USD for the 3 individual ones and 4.99 Thank you sir, we really appreciate the support!
Hopefully in our first big content update! We'll update this thread if we can get it in or not Thanks so much for supporting our games!!
Just bought the full unlock 4.99$ Awesome game Maybe you can add a price on the IAP purchase screen, so people will know how much would they need to pay for this awesome kick ass game
I haven't play CC2. but I heard the game is awesome. now I love CC3 and purchased IAP 1 and 2. thank you for make me fun dev!