Bugsnax Young Horses, Inc. Catch mysterious living snacks and feed them to your friends in this unusual island adventure! Bugsnax takes you on a j… TouchArcade Rating: Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsCatch mysterious living snacks and feed them to your friends in this unusual island adventure! Bugsnax takes you on a journey to Snaktooth Island, home of the legendary half-bug half-snack creatures, Bugsnax. Invited by intrepid explorer Elizabert Megafig, you arrive to discover your host nowhere to be found, her camp in shambles, and her followers scattered across the island alone... and hungry! It's up to you to solve the mysteries of Snaktooth Island: What happened to Lizbert? What are Bugsnax and where do they come from? But most of all, why do they taste SO GOOD? Information Seller:Young Horses, Inc. Genre:Action, Adventure Release:Apr 27, 2023 Updated:Feb 05, 2024 Version:2.0.69920 Size:2.0 GB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bugsnax/id1449161497 agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #2 agreen437, Jul 12, 2023 Yay it’s out so excited to finally play this hope it runs well on my iPad Pro 2021 metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #3 metalcasket, Jul 12, 2023 It runs like a dream on a XS, you have nothing to worry about! agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #4 agreen437, Jul 12, 2023 Wow really good and that thing has the A12 chip so M1 will be great I’m sure just bought planning to try it out later today macplash Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2014 2,645 1,103 113 Male 3D artist Munich, Germany #5 macplash, Jul 12, 2023 Last edited: Jul 12, 2023 This game heats up my iPad mini 6. I can’t remember if that even happened before. Like ever. Other than that I can’t put it down. It’s like children-friendly Monster Hunter. Not that I knew anything about this game before, overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam aside. So far I love it. I mean, full narrative, cute as a button, runs buttery smooth, funny.. What’s not to love? Also, It looks like it has Game Center achievements, but how do I see them? One just popped up when I caught my first snack.. or bug. Bugsnak? It was Strabby. Anyway, I don’t see my Game Center icon anywhere. EDIT: warms up my iPhone 13 Pro as well. Nothing alarming but definitely noticeable. agreen437, AsgerJ and Anotherkellydown like this. adamphetamine Well-Known Member Jan 4, 2011 968 31 28 Programmer/3D Modeling Bethlehem, Pa #6 adamphetamine, Jul 12, 2023 I’m friends with one of the voiceover artists and I know how much hard work everyone did on this game. I have it on PS5 but I’ll be buying it on ios too. Fun game and great voice work agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #7 agreen437, Jul 12, 2023 Thanks for this I thought I was just having a problem with overheating on my iPad Pro m1 glad to know I’m not the only one agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #8 agreen437, Jul 12, 2023 I’ve just played a little bit but so far I’m impressed with this game the graphics are awesome but definitely a bit more optimization to do to try to get the overheating down otherwise great game Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY https://youtube.com/channel/UCcvu9xhE7xT-mZrXUZQJr5g #9 Anotherkellydown, Jul 12, 2023 Are the touch controls pretty good? squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #10 squarezero, Jul 13, 2023 Only played for 10 mins or so, but so far so good! Anotherkellydown likes this. macplash Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2014 2,645 1,103 113 Male 3D artist Munich, Germany #11 macplash, Jul 13, 2023 To build up on what @squarezero said. What really impresses me is the continuous introduction of multiple touch features the more you play. For example, first you’re guided to tap you inventory, tap on an item to select it, let’s say a trap, and than tap on a dedicated button to place it. Later there’s a pop-up just casually letting you know you can tap and hold on inventory, slide your finger to an item and let go off it to select it for more convenience. Later there’s another pop-up telling you you don’t meed to tap the button to place the trap, you can just double tap where you want to place it. The same goes for talking to other characters. You can tap the talk button, but later you’re told to just double tap the character if you want. There was obviously a lot of work, thought and effort to optimize the touch controls including the sensitivity sliders and even invert y axis feature separately for touch and gamepad. I’m just impressed. Havelcek, Anotherkellydown and squarezero like this. agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #12 agreen437, Jul 13, 2023 Guys I’m going to say it again this game is awesome it’s really cute too love the art style and I’m playing with a dual shock 4 actually works quite nicely the game is challenging for me though to do one of the tasks takes me twice as long as a player with cerebral palsy but not letting it stop me at all but through the challenge still enjoying this game macplash Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2014 2,645 1,103 113 Male 3D artist Munich, Germany #13 macplash, Jul 14, 2023 Last edited: Jul 14, 2023 There’s an update claiming improving thermals, so let’s test it out. Also the default FPS settings is now set to 30, which feels choppy and might leave a bad impression after running the game for the first time without adjusting the settings. Not the best decision if you ask me, but whatever. Let’s see if the overheating is gone. I can’t test in on iPad until the evening, but I’ll give it a try on iPhone. ————— EDIT: yeah, so from what I’ve tried the phone barely warms up now, but the decrease in rendering quality is very noticeable. Especially on shadows. They’re heavily jagged. Before the update everything was smooth, kinda dreamy but now it’s really sharp and just not that pleasing to the eye. I’d rather have an option for higher quality despite some overheating. I don’t think I like what I see. When I’m home I’ll compare it with my iPad hoping the app didn’t update itself automatically yet. agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #14 agreen437, Jul 14, 2023 So the game looks worse than before? I just went ahead and updated so I’ll see how it looks now hopefully it just looks a little worse and not a lot squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #15 squarezero, Jul 14, 2023 You can turn 60 FPS on again — they just made 30 FPS the default. macplash Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2014 2,645 1,103 113 Male 3D artist Munich, Germany #16 macplash, Jul 14, 2023 It’s not the frame rate. Of course you can turn 60 fps back on. Actually they added more options like dynamic 30/60 or stable 40 (which is quite unusual). What worries me is the downgrade in rendering quality. Shadows mostly. I recorded some videos on iPad before updating for comparison. Is there a difference? Or am I imagining things? Because it feels like overheating is gone on iPad. They had to do something, right? before update: after update: devonsoft Member Oct 28, 2015 16 3 3 #17 devonsoft, Jul 14, 2023 Last edited: Jul 14, 2023 Hi! Bugsnax iOS dev here. You are not imagining things. I lowered the render target resolution slightly for shadows on the higher end devices as shadows are the most intensive and feedback here and elsewhere seemed to be complaining a lot about thermals. The iPad mini 6 3D rendering resolution was also specifically lowered slightly, it is the top medium tier device so I don't believe its shadow resolution was changed though. Maybe I can bump this up again shortly after more testing or other improvements (or make it an option), I didn't think anyone would notice that small of a change! Also 30 / 60 dynamic was the original default (30 when not moving camera or if temp warning received, 60 otherwise), you would have had to manually set it to 60 (always 60 unless throttled by device) in settings. 30 / 60 is much better thermals than 60, some devices will throttle at 60 after a bit and get choppy frame drops in areas that feels much worse than 30 / 60 so that is my recommended if the fps changing doesn't bother you. Some devices will not get frame drops at 60 but will get much warmer than 30 / 60. 40 is available on 120hz displays but has not been tested as much as 30 and 60. squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #18 squarezero, Jul 14, 2023 Thank you for the clarification. Let’s see where we are with the iPhone 15 in September — maybe you could add a shadow render resolution toggle for the newest devices. macplash Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2014 2,645 1,103 113 Male 3D artist Munich, Germany #19 macplash, Jul 14, 2023 Last edited: Jul 14, 2023 @devonsoft yeah, thanks for clarifying things. I really don’t like lowres shadows but the overheating is gone now. I’m set for 60 fps on both iPad mini 6 and iPhone 13 Pro (I may test the 40 fps as you mentioned it’s supported on ProMotion displays). Anyway, if it’s possible to increase shadow quality even in exchange for some heating, I’d be okay with that. Certainly an option to choose between quality or performance would be great, but I guess everything’s going to get sorted out eventually. I appreciate your feedback and the dedication. Thanks for bringing this fantastic game to iOS. I just got to experience the Wiggle and her singing performance while playing banjo and I had a grin on my face throughout the whole song. I just love this game. I’m a 3D artist so it’s a professional deformation for me. I guess the majority of player base won’t notice the slight changes. Or maybe they will. Let’s wait for some more feedback. squarezero likes this. devonsoft Member Oct 28, 2015 16 3 3 #20 devonsoft, Jul 15, 2023 The next update will have the ability to set render resolution to native and also higher shadow quality on newer devices (A13 and up). If you want the same as launch for iPad Mini 6 you’ll want to just change the “Resolution” to “100%” instead of “Auto”. iPad mini 6 and iPhone SE were the rare native res devices at launch so you would’ve noticed the biggest change on iPad Mini 6. The previous update dropped resolution to ~83% on iPad Mini 6 to match other device defaults and help thermals, roughly 1080p equivalent on most devices. The shadow detail was not changed for iPad mini 6, the High Shadows option in the next update was not available before and is new. Shadows on iPad Pro M1+ and iPhone 14 Pro were dropped slightly in the previous update, those will remain default “Auto” but with the new higher option available. I’ll probably return 30 / 60 to the default fps but not change anyone’s current settings this time. Presets will be at the top of Display settings in new update for quickly choosing “Detail”, “Max FPS”, “Battery Saver”, or “Default” settings combinations. squarezero and macplash like this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Wow really good and that thing has the A12 chip so M1 will be great I’m sure just bought planning to try it out later today
This game heats up my iPad mini 6. I can’t remember if that even happened before. Like ever. Other than that I can’t put it down. It’s like children-friendly Monster Hunter. Not that I knew anything about this game before, overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam aside. So far I love it. I mean, full narrative, cute as a button, runs buttery smooth, funny.. What’s not to love? Also, It looks like it has Game Center achievements, but how do I see them? One just popped up when I caught my first snack.. or bug. Bugsnak? It was Strabby. Anyway, I don’t see my Game Center icon anywhere. EDIT: warms up my iPhone 13 Pro as well. Nothing alarming but definitely noticeable.
I’m friends with one of the voiceover artists and I know how much hard work everyone did on this game. I have it on PS5 but I’ll be buying it on ios too. Fun game and great voice work
Thanks for this I thought I was just having a problem with overheating on my iPad Pro m1 glad to know I’m not the only one
I’ve just played a little bit but so far I’m impressed with this game the graphics are awesome but definitely a bit more optimization to do to try to get the overheating down otherwise great game
To build up on what @squarezero said. What really impresses me is the continuous introduction of multiple touch features the more you play. For example, first you’re guided to tap you inventory, tap on an item to select it, let’s say a trap, and than tap on a dedicated button to place it. Later there’s a pop-up just casually letting you know you can tap and hold on inventory, slide your finger to an item and let go off it to select it for more convenience. Later there’s another pop-up telling you you don’t meed to tap the button to place the trap, you can just double tap where you want to place it. The same goes for talking to other characters. You can tap the talk button, but later you’re told to just double tap the character if you want. There was obviously a lot of work, thought and effort to optimize the touch controls including the sensitivity sliders and even invert y axis feature separately for touch and gamepad. I’m just impressed.
Guys I’m going to say it again this game is awesome it’s really cute too love the art style and I’m playing with a dual shock 4 actually works quite nicely the game is challenging for me though to do one of the tasks takes me twice as long as a player with cerebral palsy but not letting it stop me at all but through the challenge still enjoying this game
There’s an update claiming improving thermals, so let’s test it out. Also the default FPS settings is now set to 30, which feels choppy and might leave a bad impression after running the game for the first time without adjusting the settings. Not the best decision if you ask me, but whatever. Let’s see if the overheating is gone. I can’t test in on iPad until the evening, but I’ll give it a try on iPhone. ————— EDIT: yeah, so from what I’ve tried the phone barely warms up now, but the decrease in rendering quality is very noticeable. Especially on shadows. They’re heavily jagged. Before the update everything was smooth, kinda dreamy but now it’s really sharp and just not that pleasing to the eye. I’d rather have an option for higher quality despite some overheating. I don’t think I like what I see. When I’m home I’ll compare it with my iPad hoping the app didn’t update itself automatically yet.
So the game looks worse than before? I just went ahead and updated so I’ll see how it looks now hopefully it just looks a little worse and not a lot
It’s not the frame rate. Of course you can turn 60 fps back on. Actually they added more options like dynamic 30/60 or stable 40 (which is quite unusual). What worries me is the downgrade in rendering quality. Shadows mostly. I recorded some videos on iPad before updating for comparison. Is there a difference? Or am I imagining things? Because it feels like overheating is gone on iPad. They had to do something, right? before update: after update:
Hi! Bugsnax iOS dev here. You are not imagining things. I lowered the render target resolution slightly for shadows on the higher end devices as shadows are the most intensive and feedback here and elsewhere seemed to be complaining a lot about thermals. The iPad mini 6 3D rendering resolution was also specifically lowered slightly, it is the top medium tier device so I don't believe its shadow resolution was changed though. Maybe I can bump this up again shortly after more testing or other improvements (or make it an option), I didn't think anyone would notice that small of a change! Also 30 / 60 dynamic was the original default (30 when not moving camera or if temp warning received, 60 otherwise), you would have had to manually set it to 60 (always 60 unless throttled by device) in settings. 30 / 60 is much better thermals than 60, some devices will throttle at 60 after a bit and get choppy frame drops in areas that feels much worse than 30 / 60 so that is my recommended if the fps changing doesn't bother you. Some devices will not get frame drops at 60 but will get much warmer than 30 / 60. 40 is available on 120hz displays but has not been tested as much as 30 and 60.
Thank you for the clarification. Let’s see where we are with the iPhone 15 in September — maybe you could add a shadow render resolution toggle for the newest devices.
@devonsoft yeah, thanks for clarifying things. I really don’t like lowres shadows but the overheating is gone now. I’m set for 60 fps on both iPad mini 6 and iPhone 13 Pro (I may test the 40 fps as you mentioned it’s supported on ProMotion displays). Anyway, if it’s possible to increase shadow quality even in exchange for some heating, I’d be okay with that. Certainly an option to choose between quality or performance would be great, but I guess everything’s going to get sorted out eventually. I appreciate your feedback and the dedication. Thanks for bringing this fantastic game to iOS. I just got to experience the Wiggle and her singing performance while playing banjo and I had a grin on my face throughout the whole song. I just love this game. I’m a 3D artist so it’s a professional deformation for me. I guess the majority of player base won’t notice the slight changes. Or maybe they will. Let’s wait for some more feedback.
The next update will have the ability to set render resolution to native and also higher shadow quality on newer devices (A13 and up). If you want the same as launch for iPad Mini 6 you’ll want to just change the “Resolution” to “100%” instead of “Auto”. iPad mini 6 and iPhone SE were the rare native res devices at launch so you would’ve noticed the biggest change on iPad Mini 6. The previous update dropped resolution to ~83% on iPad Mini 6 to match other device defaults and help thermals, roughly 1080p equivalent on most devices. The shadow detail was not changed for iPad mini 6, the High Shadows option in the next update was not available before and is new. Shadows on iPad Pro M1+ and iPhone 14 Pro were dropped slightly in the previous update, those will remain default “Auto” but with the new higher option available. I’ll probably return 30 / 60 to the default fps but not change anyone’s current settings this time. Presets will be at the top of Display settings in new update for quickly choosing “Detail”, “Max FPS”, “Battery Saver”, or “Default” settings combinations.