Update is live We wanted to make converting it over to the iPad a priority since it was easily our most requested feature... so hope you enjoy! (if you were already playing the low-res iphone version on your iPad, you can safely update to the new HD iPad version without losing your progress) Here are our full update notes: Bring Me Sandwiches!! Update v2.0 http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bring-me-sandwiches!!/id457603026?mt=8 - Version 1.1 adds Universal App capabilities! You can now enjoy Bring Me Sandwiches!! on your iPad with specially formatted HD graphics! - Game stability has been increased to better prevent crashes on old devices and devices with low-memory. After downloading the update, please restart your device to ensure best performance. - General bug fixes including a score-display bug that sometimes appeared when using the ‘level skip’ feature
You guys are very welcome! If you enjoy the game and have a moment, please help us out by writing an iTunes review As always, let me know if there are any questions or issues!
I also want to mention that, as stated in the update notes, we did remove a few small bugs and also increased game stability to better prevent crashes, but if you do encounter any issues you can contact us at [email protected] We read all emails and can jump on any problems ASAP and also provide support, so don't hesitate to give us a shout! (I can also respond to this thread, of course)
Bring me Sandwiches!! has been featured as one of the best Platform games of 2011!!!!!!!!! http://toucharcade.com/2011/12/23/best-ios-games-2011-buyers-guide/
Is there any chance you guys could implement Joypad support? I just got an iPad, and I would LOVE to be able to play the game on my iPad using my iPod as a controller...
I've actually never looked into Joypad, but now that you mention it I'll check it out. Can't promise any plans right away, but we're always considering new stuff. Looking into iCade as well!
So... After getting Super Mole Escape, it made me think of Bring Me Sandwiches!! again, and I went back to it. This is one AMAZING platformer. Anyone who doesn't have it yet should definitely get it. Everything about it is... well... perfect. =oD
Thanks so much for the kind words! We're all still incredibly proud of BMS, and I still play it from time to time. I'm especially proud of how "old school" and Super Nintendo-esque some aspects of it are.. especially some of the later levels, and trying to achieve 100% We'd love to go back one day and add some features with and update, but no plans right at the moment. Should that happen tho, I'll definitely bump with a post!
Bring me sandwiches was one of my favorite iOS games last year as well. I just started playing it again a few weeks ago on my iPad and would love to see some nice retina graphics some time in the future.
It has been a while. We've got an update to Bring Me Sandwiches coming...as soon as it's approved! ** 3.0 UPDATE! ** - The game now supports the widescreen display of the iPhone 5 and later (including iPhone 6 and 6 Plus!) - Fixed a problem that was making the game crash on iPads - We have flipped the game's price to FREE (ad-supported) - New icon