Hi all, If anyone has an app they'd like to see reviewed before they buy it, post it here. We're focusing on gaming apps, of course. Right now, we've been sort of doing a hodgepodge what what we've found interesting and also apps that might be a big deal. Our reviews are sort of "first impression" reviews, we can't actually solve every game in the time it takes to do a review. I think for a platform like the iPhone, first impression reviews are valid though, since you basically want to know if there are any major flaws or problems with gameplay. Also the videos are very helpful in seeing if its a game you are interested in. In some ways, I feel like the videos are the most helpful. You can always email us at [email protected] and both Blake and I will get it. We're working on a couple right now, including Vay, MotionX Poker, and Chopper. But add any others you might want to see. arn
Enigmo Cro-Mag Rally Critter Crunch South Park Imaginationland Thanks in advance, this site is awesome.
I would love to see a comparative review of the iPhone Vs PSP I'd Like to see how the iPhone compares to the PSP on spec and performance. How does the gaming experience compare? I know it's still early days for the iPhone but what is it's potential? Also, side by side reviews of game that are available on both platforms would be great. Is 'Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 3D' a port of another Crash Kart game or totally new? That would be a great comparative review! Cheers Alice
See: http://www.ipodhacks.com/article.php?sid=2521 regarding PSP vs iPhone vs Nintendo DS Working on it. We'll mix some others in too. arn
Matt, Here's South Park w/ video. http://toucharcade.com/2008/07/18/south-park-imaginationland-for-iphone-a-fun-physics-puzzler/ arn
this sounds like the best job in the world, getting paid to try out games and review them love the site in fact i come here first before i goto the app store, cause the app store is kind of a mess with no organization, at least for new releases So far you've hit every game i wanted to reviewed, and of the ones i purchased following your reviews I am satisfied so if I can ask a forward looking question, with no bias please..you can review the TouchArcade App that you should build so we can get our fix in app format