Advertising and TouchArcade

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by arn, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    What was invalid about his point? Seemed reasonable to me... :confused:
  2. starjimstar

    starjimstar Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2008
    What is the justification of the unofficial poll? Unless your review was based on the opinions expressed in the forum, it is an externality. I consider his or her comment invalid because it references figures that are seemingly irrelevant (not to mention obtained by questionable means.) My point had nothing to do with statistical data. He or she has latched onto a portion of my initial post and taken it out of context.
  3. jonlink

    jonlink Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2009
    #43 jonlink, Jun 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
    a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result

    It isn't any fancy irony at all, it is plain old contradictory. Don't worry, people make that mistake all the time.

    Arn, Thanks for the reply. It is interesting to hear about the process. Readers are in the dark about that, or at least I was. I often read the Motley Fool, a stock website. They have a full disclosure policy where they post any relevant relations the writer & company have with the companies they mention at the bottom of the articles. It is very similar to what you've done with the Star Defense article. I think that is one way to seem more transparent and trustworthy.

    As for the trolls. Like I said, I think they are just a reality of business. The important thing is not to start lumping folks together. My advice is to work with people who have legitimate concerns and looking for ways to improve transparency and gain trust is the only productive option. As long as you have reviews and ads you'll always have people watching you closely. Showing all of them the door and writing off concerns as ridiculous will only validate their views. It is better to embrace them.

    That's not to say however that you shouldn't ignore the chaff.
  4. Dark NRG

    Dark NRG Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2009
    1 i agree with starjim.

    2 I didn't realize there was a poll. I would of voted neg.
  5. jmarquiso

    jmarquiso Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    I didn't buy this game, and generally that was based on reading the review and taking into account that the site takes in advertising. Yes, the review is positive. I made the decision based on the number of Tower Defense games I had, the gameplay video, the statement in the review that it didn't completely reinvent the genre, the price point, many things.

    Just because someone on this site gives it a great review doesn't force you to buy it. Read other reviews, take it all into account before making that decision.
  6. krikaoli

    krikaoli Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Brasília, Brazil
    #46 krikaoli, Jun 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
    Bad review

    Good evening,

    Hi every1. This is my first post here.

    Unfortunely, I'm writing this so that I can expose my disappoint with toucharcade. I'm a huge fan of this site, and I'm always checking news and reviews.

    After I read about Stardefense here, I was sure it was an amazing TD, not only 3D graphics but also a very fun gameplay. I discovered this game is a really weak game. It is so boring and the sound is terrible... I can't believe you wrote sweet things about this app.

    Ok, everyone is right to have its own opinion, but c'mon guys, ngmoco pays you for adv, and I think thats the main reason you wrote so well about this game. 5,99 for a weak game like this?! This game, as I said before is far away from Geo Defense or even Fieldrunners.

    I disagree with the review given for this game and I feel like I was cheated... I could have spent at a lot of 0,99 games much more fun than this one have, like blue defense for example.

    As you said, you are reference when the subject is iPhone games, but do not forget that the reason you are reference. I think you didn't write a impartial review of the stardefense, because you are fuelled by their money. Sorry to be so honest, I really like the site, but now on I will be more careful about your reviews.

    PS: just in case: my stardefense review is don't buy it, at least for now. wait the price to get at least 1,99. 5,99 is not worth it.

    nothing personal
    my best regards
  7. menom

    menom Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2008
    London, UK.
    Highly illogical

    hmmm your point had nothing to do with statistical data:eek::eek::rolleyes::D;):(:cool::p

    keep taking the tablets
  8. menom

    menom Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2008
    London, UK.
    Troll alert!

    What a weird post - funny - hmmm ... it's just that this is your 1st post and your writing style shows a lot in common with some other stroppy types here in terms of syntax and grammar:D:D:D:D:p

    in fact the first line is hilarious - a bit like saying, "hello - I'm new here - no really! I'm not just pretending ... honest"

    lame as hell
  9. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    As previously posted, I was the one who wrote the review and I have nothing to do with the business side of this site which includes everything from day to day operations to advertising sales, and everything in between. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

    My compensation is the same regardless of whether ngmoco is advertising Star Defense or Billy Mays is advertising the Ped Egg.

    I'm not sure what we can do to make this more clear. I enjoyed Star Defense, all of the other review sites enjoyed Star Defense. Slide to Play gave it a 4, both IGN and Pocket Gamer gave it a 9. The majority of the people on the TA forums also enjoyed Star Defense.

    If you didn't like Star Defense, post a review on iTunes, your blog, or our user reviews forum reflecting that. Reviews are based on the opinion of the person playing the game, and I'm of the opinion that Star Defense is great.
  10. Big Albie

    Big Albie Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
    Casual gamer/marketing dude
    San Francisco, California
    Btw, the Ped Egg is a good product...seriously.
  11. dannys95

    dannys95 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2008
    ngmoco pays for the ads = Yes
    ngmoco pays for good review = NO!!!!!

    In case you have not noticed Hodapp writes huge reviews (no offense, what is your mark bro like 1000 words? ;)) for all games. I can't believe people think reviews are influenced by that. :rolleyes:
  12. menom

    menom Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2008
    London, UK.
    congrats again - you made my point for me perfectly!

    Please be aware that for something to be ironic - it in no way has to be deliberate

    I think you may be confusing a statement utilising irony with something - some action which proves unintentionally to be ironic

    Irony is something deliberately employed - something Ironic is another thing all together

    all the best, and good luck with your ongoing enlightenment
  13. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    Almost by definition, we can't please everyone with our opinions on games. The only difference this time is that people can point to advertising and blame it. There was another game that had very polarized reactions to the review:

    I'm sure if Underworlds had advertised the game on the site at the time, we would have been accused of the same. I've said before, Eli is a freelancer. He knew about the ads at the same moment everyone else on the site knew about the ads -- which is to say when they first appeared on the site last week. Eli had already formed an opinion of the game before that.

    Second, I'm not one to point to others to justify anything, but I've not found a negative review on any other review site. If you are convinced we were paid off for the review, you will have to invoke a conspiracy theory in which every other review site was simultaneously paid off as well.

    IGN 9/10:
    STP "Must Have":
    IPGN 4.5/5:
    Know Your Mobile 4.5/5:
    AppVee: 4/5: "best ... since Fieldrunners":
    Destructoid: 8 -- Great:
    PocketGamer 9/10:

    Can anyone find a bad review from an established review site?

  14. krikaoli

    krikaoli Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Brasília, Brazil
    #54 krikaoli, Jun 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
    My respect

    Sorry if my post seemed lame and if my grammar is not good. I'm not a troll, and my bad english must be improved. Here in Brazil the only way I improve english is reading sites such as toucharcade, reading The Economist or playing some game.

    As it was well said, Stardefense got a lot of good rates in other reviews. I'm trying to find any bad review of this game, but I'm not succiding... That is very strange! Phrak!

    Sorry if I seemed agressive at my point of view, but the fact is that I really like toucharcade and really disliked the game we are discussing. As my colegue suggested me, I have already given my review and I think my part is done while being a responsible reader.

    And congratz all forum staff and toucharcade members, you conducted a very responsible, democratic and kind space for our point of view. (Hodapp you wrote a nice review I just not share the same opinion, my apologies again for the brute way of showing it. By the way I used to play starcraft tower defense, then warcraft... really enjoy this genre.)

    PS: all the lobby a game company do must make some kind of dark side influence even you deny it. Yes, I do believe if I were right it is a totally conspiracy theory.
  15. menom

    menom Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2008
    London, UK.
    #55 menom, Jun 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009


    funny how you have bad English but understand what 'Troll' means in this specific sense!!
    congrats on your speedy learning of non-Portuguese terms to describe deliberately argumentative posters

    This is my last post on this topic as the people I'm responding to have shown themselves to be no match for pure logic - very disappointing, I must say - I remember the days when trolls were made of sterner stuff ... very poor indeed ...
  16. krikaoli

    krikaoli Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Brasília, Brazil
    #56 krikaoli, Jun 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009

    Thank god it is your last post! Cheers!

    Your are not adding anything positive in this discussion besides your arrogance and lack of everything else.

    I learned what troll means with your ... posts. I wish you were a fast learner too with your superior "pure logic".
  17. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    for what it's worth krikaoli, I appreciated your follow up post.

  18. jonlink

    jonlink Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2009
    Ironic (adj) using or characterized by irony

    You'll need to write some letters to people who make the Oxford Dictionary. They'll be interested to know they're wrong.:rolleyes:

    Back to the point. I think that it is productive that we finally got Arn to admit the whole this is a vast conspiracy.:D
  19. Alichan76

    Alichan76 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    I would like to add to all this by saying that TA would do well to dedicate a section of the website to including CV's/Biogs of all the administrators and moderators.

    Once viewers could see the background of all the people here in charge, it would help in avoiding these situations whereby distrust has crept into the equation.

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