Link: ALPHA MISSION II ACA NEOGEO SNK CORPORATION NEOGEO's masterpiece games are now available in the app !! And in recent years, SNK has partnered with Hamster Corporati… TouchArcade Rating: $3.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsNEOGEO's masterpiece games are now available in the app !! And in recent years, SNK has partnered with Hamster Corporation to bring many of the classic games on the NEOGEO onto modern gaming environments through the ACA NEOGEO series. Now on smartphone, the difficulty and look NEOGEO games had back then can be reproduced through screen settings and options. Also, players can benefit from online features such as online ranking modes. More, it features quick save/load and virtual pad customization functions to support comfortable play within the app. Please take this opportunity to enjoy the masterpieces that are still supported to this day. [Game introduction] 'ALPHA MISSION II' is a shooting game released by SNK in 1991. The game is a fan-favorite in the genre, and features unique gameplay allowing players to collect and upgrade armor power-ups and switch them out on the fly. This second entry in the series adds a wealth of new flashy armor power-ups, expanding on the tactical and exciting gameplay the series is known for. [Supported OS] iOS 13 and above © SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Arcade Archives Series Produced by HAMSTER Co. Information Seller:SNK CORPORATION Genre:Action Release:Nov 29, 2021 Updated:Apr 03, 2023 Version:1.1.0 Size:160.4 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #2 psj3809, Nov 30, 2021 Plays very well, its landscape (Despite the game being more a portrait style game) but the game actions in the middle with the controls left/right of the game. Works well Quite tricky as its a shooter but i'm happy as hell to have this old classic shoot em up on my phone. Again its by Hamster, full screen (The gameplay is just in the middle) but very polished. Hope to see more Neo Geo conversions miglluesma New Member Oct 2, 2012 3 1 1 #3 miglluesma, Nov 30, 2021 Is there controller support? Draven2222 likes this. Draven2222 Well-Known Member Dec 16, 2013 297 47 28 #4 Draven2222, Dec 1, 2021 Yes would like to know if there is controller support also, i have the previous SNK Metal Slugs and they all support controllers btw. would be nice to know if these "new" versions also include controller support. hopefully they do, if anyone can confirm? cheers. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #5 Anotherkellydown, Dec 1, 2021 I looked through the plethora of options while connected to my Backbone controller and didn't see any indication that they do, unfortunately. Jackaluk Well-Known Member Jul 3, 2015 401 94 28 #6 Jackaluk, Dec 2, 2021 No controller support for games like this is an app crime, definitely won’t be purchasing!! Draven2222 likes this. Draven2222 Well-Known Member Dec 16, 2013 297 47 28 #7 Draven2222, Dec 3, 2021 Thnx, AKD.. seems odd not to include controller support when these games are built on the foundation of them. (well that's all we had back then ) Been reading their website support "Authentically recreated from the ground up" obviously not. squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #8 squarezero, Dec 3, 2021 Metal Slug 5 supports Bluetooth controllers. It’s possible that they didn’t incorporate Lighting port controller support. Draven2222 and Anotherkellydown like this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #9 Anotherkellydown, Dec 3, 2021 Last edited: Dec 6, 2021 Good call. I’ll try my Mad Catz when I get a few minutes. Edit: I tried the MFi controller and it didn’t work. I’m not a fan of the touch controls on this one. It’s too bad too, because the game itself is a lot of fun and I can tell it would be even better with either a controller or better touch controls. leokamiya Well-Known Member Sep 20, 2017 52 35 18 #10 leokamiya, Dec 8, 2021 The first page of the manual has an explanation on how to enable controller connection, it’s just not very clear. When you have a Bluetooth or lightning controller connected an icon appears on the main menu. Tap it and the controller is enabled. They made this to arguably improve usability when peripherals are connected and you want to use the touchscreen. Someone please tell Shaun to update the review. All three iOS NEOGEO ACA releases support controllers. Attached Files: 9CBAAEDA-ECA5-4CDF-A072-8464C267B493.jpeg File size: 323.9 KB Views: 8 Numba One likes this. Numba One Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2012 47 10 8 #11 Numba One, Dec 8, 2021 This is great news. I was not going to buy these without controller support as I love the backbone. With this they are now INSTABUY! Where is that Instabuy cat for those old school Toucharcade heads?? Boardumb Administrator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Apr 14, 2009 8,964 880 113 THE BOSS Sacramento, CA #12 Boardumb, Dec 8, 2021 Thank you very much for pointing this out. I've updated the 2 reviews we've already posted with this info and I'll add it into the Samurai Shodown review before we post that. Anotherkellydown likes this. Boardumb Administrator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Apr 14, 2009 8,964 880 113 THE BOSS Sacramento, CA #13 Boardumb, Dec 8, 2021 Anotherkellydown likes this. Numba One Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2012 47 10 8 #14 Numba One, Dec 8, 2021 Can you also include the Instabuy cat in the review? We need to bring that guy back. I cannot find the OG instabuy cat ascii art for the life of me. Numba One Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2012 47 10 8 #15 Numba One, Dec 8, 2021 That's the one! Although where is the actual ascii art? I'm bummed I can't find the text version Boardumb Administrator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Apr 14, 2009 8,964 880 113 THE BOSS Sacramento, CA #16 Boardumb, Dec 8, 2021 Haha I can't find the text either, that's a screen of the shirt we made way back when. If I recall the original poster Maglor kind of quit the internet and deleted all his comments, so the original ascii version may be lost forever… Numba One Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2012 47 10 8 #17 Numba One, Dec 8, 2021 ah man RIP to a real one. Anotherkellydown likes this. Numba One Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2012 47 10 8 #18 Numba One, Dec 8, 2021 I found it!!! Check it out I went to Wayback Machine and loaded up a cached page back in 2015 and it's one of the first comments. For some reason the comments go away right after the page loads but I quickly CTRL+A to copy all the text and was able to snag it. Here's the link: ⊂_ヽ \\ Λ_Λ \( 'ㅅ' ) It's !N$TABU¥ > ⌒ヽ / へ\ / / \\ レ ノ ヽ_つ / / / /| ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / ノ ) Lノ (_/ Boardumb likes this. Boardumb Administrator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Apr 14, 2009 8,964 880 113 THE BOSS Sacramento, CA #19 Boardumb, Dec 8, 2021 Haha, legend! Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member Jul 8, 2013 1,088 3 38 Freelance writer, teacher, business owner Ibaraki, Japan #20 Shaun Musgrave, Dec 9, 2021 Reviews are all updated now, thanks. I even checked the manual but for whatever reason the wording they used on that first page just didn’t register with my mutton brain. I thought it was an odd omission for a developer that is typically very thorough. leokamiya likes this. 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Plays very well, its landscape (Despite the game being more a portrait style game) but the game actions in the middle with the controls left/right of the game. Works well Quite tricky as its a shooter but i'm happy as hell to have this old classic shoot em up on my phone. Again its by Hamster, full screen (The gameplay is just in the middle) but very polished. Hope to see more Neo Geo conversions
Yes would like to know if there is controller support also, i have the previous SNK Metal Slugs and they all support controllers btw. would be nice to know if these "new" versions also include controller support. hopefully they do, if anyone can confirm? cheers.
I looked through the plethora of options while connected to my Backbone controller and didn't see any indication that they do, unfortunately.
Thnx, AKD.. seems odd not to include controller support when these games are built on the foundation of them. (well that's all we had back then ) Been reading their website support "Authentically recreated from the ground up" obviously not.
Metal Slug 5 supports Bluetooth controllers. It’s possible that they didn’t incorporate Lighting port controller support.
Good call. I’ll try my Mad Catz when I get a few minutes. Edit: I tried the MFi controller and it didn’t work. I’m not a fan of the touch controls on this one. It’s too bad too, because the game itself is a lot of fun and I can tell it would be even better with either a controller or better touch controls.
The first page of the manual has an explanation on how to enable controller connection, it’s just not very clear. When you have a Bluetooth or lightning controller connected an icon appears on the main menu. Tap it and the controller is enabled. They made this to arguably improve usability when peripherals are connected and you want to use the touchscreen. Someone please tell Shaun to update the review. All three iOS NEOGEO ACA releases support controllers.
This is great news. I was not going to buy these without controller support as I love the backbone. With this they are now INSTABUY! Where is that Instabuy cat for those old school Toucharcade heads??
Thank you very much for pointing this out. I've updated the 2 reviews we've already posted with this info and I'll add it into the Samurai Shodown review before we post that.
Can you also include the Instabuy cat in the review? We need to bring that guy back. I cannot find the OG instabuy cat ascii art for the life of me.
Haha I can't find the text either, that's a screen of the shirt we made way back when. If I recall the original poster Maglor kind of quit the internet and deleted all his comments, so the original ascii version may be lost forever…
I found it!!! Check it out I went to Wayback Machine and loaded up a cached page back in 2015 and it's one of the first comments. For some reason the comments go away right after the page loads but I quickly CTRL+A to copy all the text and was able to snag it. Here's the link: ⊂_ヽ \\ Λ_Λ \( 'ㅅ' ) It's !N$TABU¥ > ⌒ヽ / へ\ / / \\ レ ノ ヽ_つ / / / /| ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / ノ ) Lノ (_/
Reviews are all updated now, thanks. I even checked the manual but for whatever reason the wording they used on that first page just didn’t register with my mutton brain. I thought it was an odd omission for a developer that is typically very thorough.