Colt Express Asmodee Digital The game officially transposed from Colt Express, the famous train robbery boardgame. Plot your scheme step by step and … TouchArcade Rating: $3.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsThe game officially transposed from Colt Express, the famous train robbery boardgame. Plot your scheme step by step and dive into the action to loot the wagons. But watch out, you are not the only Most Wanted Man with the intention to become rich today : you might have to rethink your strategy… Play solo, with friends, family and worldwide in multiplayer! *** Touch Arcade 4,5/5 ***: "The art is fantastic, the gameplay mechanics work great, and there's plenty of content to keep you playing the game for a long time to come." *** Pocket Gamer - Silver Award ***: "A great boardgame that plays with all the pace of the best mobile titles." HOW TO PLAY: At the beginning of the round, each player will successively plan an action from his action deck, ranging from moving around to luring the train marshal or looting the passengers. When each player’s masterplan is complete, the action starts and the players' set of moves will progressively unfold before you. But getting rich and not getting shot by your opponents are not always compatible objectives, and you might have to rethink your plan on the move… Find the right balance between caution and greed to come out as the richest outlaw of the far west! PUT YOURSELF IN THE BOOTS OF A FAR WEST LEGEND IN SOLO MODE: Live the adventures of 6 outlaws in Story mode through 30 captivating chapters, each with its own plot, set of rules and achievements. Complete a bandit's story to unlock new multiplayer modes and comic books about the intricacies of the desperados' life in the Wild West! FRIENDLY FIRE IN MULTIPLAYER MODE: Play online with players from all around the world, climb the leaderboard and become the most wanted player feared by every outlaw of the land! A TREASURE HUNT IN THE FAR WEST! Collect skins for your heroes and environments for your adventures by completing special objectives! To sum up, the game features: • A wild west themed universe inspired from the original board game, digitally modernized • A tactical and action-packed gameplay, for intense and unpredictable games • An extensive Story mode following 6 characters, each with his own objectives and quirks. Available offline and saved the next time you log in. • Numerous exciting game variants to unlock in Story mode. • An online Multiplayer Mode • A worldwide Leaderboard, updated and available in real-time • A friendlist, with the possibility to play with your friends • Collectible skins and environments to customize your adventures • Many Achievements to accomplish, punctuating your exploration of the game To find more information about Asmodee Digital, please go to: Having an issue? Looking for support? Please contact us : You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: You Tube: Languages available: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Information Seller:Asmodee Digital Genre:Board, Strategy Release:Nov 28, 2016 Updated:Apr 19, 2017 Version:1.3 Size:728.3 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (3) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal nkarafo Well-Known Member Mar 2, 2011 864 14 18 #2 nkarafo, Nov 28, 2016 ios 9.1 as minimum requirements ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #3 ColeDaddy, Nov 28, 2016 The boardgame has some very favorable reviews. Some reviewers have said that the real treat of the BG version is the 3D train that serves as the playing area. However, given the port to a 2D digital format, I'm looking for feedback from folks who have purchased this version commenting on how well it plays. o0oJAKEo0o Well-Known Member May 23, 2012 322 1 16 Full-Time Student KCMO #4 o0oJAKEo0o, Nov 28, 2016 Already bought and downloaded. Will be playing tonight. I can't wait. skoptic Well-Known Member Apr 3, 2015 634 82 28 #5 skoptic, Nov 28, 2016 Bought and played, looks like a nicely produced game. Good tutorial, tried a bit of campaign also good... I'm new to the game so learning possibilities but seems nicely strategic with a dose of igougo haphazardness. It looks like another great conversion - recommended! orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #6 orangecan, Nov 28, 2016 I'm very tempted but I have a hit and miss relationship with board games - both physical and virtual - but this has been on my games I'd like to play list for a while.... Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member Oct 5, 2015 717 130 43 Male #7 Son of Anarchy, Nov 28, 2016 Excited to see this on iOS, and it does look like a nicely produced high quality game in the video. Do you have any thoughts on whether it'd be playable on iPhone (ie text too small or whatnot)? Nice find by the way. ZS77 Well-Known Member May 8, 2015 566 2 18 #8 ZS77, Nov 29, 2016 Noooo! That sucks. # # What happened to the days of iOS 6 and above? Apple's constant iOS updating and subsequently the Devs need to set a higher minimum OS to make sure it's 'future proofed' is really starting to do my noodle in! nkarafo Well-Known Member Mar 2, 2011 864 14 18 #9 nkarafo, Nov 29, 2016 I know.. This sucks a lot! No more the days where you had ios 6 or 7 for board games. These types of games are not too much graphic overload and could be played on past ios versions. You have to either constantly update your ios devices with everything this means: maybe lower performace OR buy new idevices periodically - regularly in order to have the latest ios version... Next year we will have ios 11 and later on, 12 (ios 9 will be obsolete) and this goes forever... skoptic Well-Known Member Apr 3, 2015 634 82 28 #10 skoptic, Nov 29, 2016 Just played on my 6S - very playable. There isn't too much text in game (round start objectives mainly) and the cards have no text, but what is there is fine for me to read (I'm 'old' at just over 40... but don't have glasses). Each round has 2 phases, schemin' (selecting cards for next few moves) and stealin' (carrying out those moves). Because each card action has a clear objective / action button (i.e. Big buttons come up to select which loot in a room you pick up,or which direction to punch) you don't need to click and hope on a smaller screen. The admodee login for MP has saved my uname/pword and has synced my 1 player campaign progress across devices. Swapping to another app brings up pause screen (not tested quitting and overloading memory). So all in It looks truly universal in that it's very playable on both. Looks stable, has no immediately obvious 'lack of developer love' niggles. Pandemic is a great digital board game conversion from Asmodee and this looks just as good. fabianb Well-Known Member Nov 1, 2014 1,009 0 36 #11 fabianb, Nov 29, 2016 How does the multiplayer work? nkarafo Well-Known Member Mar 2, 2011 864 14 18 #12 nkarafo, Nov 29, 2016 PC gameplay video (tutorial) hedgey Well-Known Member Apr 20, 2012 99 6 8 #13 hedgey, Nov 29, 2016 I'm always looking for a good digital board game. Interested in people's impressions after a day of release. fabianb Well-Known Member Nov 1, 2014 1,009 0 36 #14 fabianb, Nov 30, 2016 Anyone? currymutton Well-Known Member Oct 16, 2008 4,430 1 0 #15 currymutton, Nov 30, 2016 You can create "quick game" (no customization) or "custom game", which allows variants and options, both local and online. However, when you create a game, or join a game, you must wait for all the players to join in first before starting. Just like TTR. So I am never able to find enough people to join in the game before I run my battery out. So I cannot figure out if the game is async or not... LordGek Well-Known Member Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Feb 19, 2009 12,282 141 63 Software QA Engineer Saratoga, CA, USA #16 LordGek, Nov 30, 2016 One aspect I really appreciate but didn't get at first, is the game's many variant rules aren't actually different game modes but, much like expansions in Ascension, all optional rules/twists you can have going concurrently in a game. So, being a masochistic freak I'm looking forward, once I've unlocked them all, to trying a game with ALL of the variants in effect. fabianb Well-Known Member Nov 1, 2014 1,009 0 36 #17 fabianb, Nov 30, 2016 So it's difficult to find people online? currymutton Well-Known Member Oct 16, 2008 4,430 1 0 #18 currymutton, Dec 1, 2016 Honestly, may be I live in Aisa (GMT+8 to be exact), there are not many online during the times I played (around 13-14 people), and the message board in-app seems to fill with message that complain about similar things. To be fair, there are many players of TTR who have no problem with the scheme like this, but just not me. TTR is like this, Treasure Hunter is like this and another one in beta(which I choose not to name right now) is also like this. They all play async but adopt sync game joining method. I really dunno why. pjft Well-Known Member Feb 15, 2011 1,082 8 38 #19 pjft, Dec 2, 2016 In TTR game joining is async if you explicitly invite people - which is what I do with my wife. Unfortunately, they chose to go fully real time for Splendor :/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk currymutton Well-Known Member Oct 16, 2008 4,430 1 0 #20 currymutton, Dec 13, 2016 Update is out for a day or so. You can now create private game -- BUT! All the players you invite must also be online as well or you need to stay in the app until everybody joins in. Ridiculous! (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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The boardgame has some very favorable reviews. Some reviewers have said that the real treat of the BG version is the 3D train that serves as the playing area. However, given the port to a 2D digital format, I'm looking for feedback from folks who have purchased this version commenting on how well it plays.
Bought and played, looks like a nicely produced game. Good tutorial, tried a bit of campaign also good... I'm new to the game so learning possibilities but seems nicely strategic with a dose of igougo haphazardness. It looks like another great conversion - recommended!
I'm very tempted but I have a hit and miss relationship with board games - both physical and virtual - but this has been on my games I'd like to play list for a while....
Excited to see this on iOS, and it does look like a nicely produced high quality game in the video. Do you have any thoughts on whether it'd be playable on iPhone (ie text too small or whatnot)? Nice find by the way.
Noooo! That sucks. # # What happened to the days of iOS 6 and above? Apple's constant iOS updating and subsequently the Devs need to set a higher minimum OS to make sure it's 'future proofed' is really starting to do my noodle in!
I know.. This sucks a lot! No more the days where you had ios 6 or 7 for board games. These types of games are not too much graphic overload and could be played on past ios versions. You have to either constantly update your ios devices with everything this means: maybe lower performace OR buy new idevices periodically - regularly in order to have the latest ios version... Next year we will have ios 11 and later on, 12 (ios 9 will be obsolete) and this goes forever...
Just played on my 6S - very playable. There isn't too much text in game (round start objectives mainly) and the cards have no text, but what is there is fine for me to read (I'm 'old' at just over 40... but don't have glasses). Each round has 2 phases, schemin' (selecting cards for next few moves) and stealin' (carrying out those moves). Because each card action has a clear objective / action button (i.e. Big buttons come up to select which loot in a room you pick up,or which direction to punch) you don't need to click and hope on a smaller screen. The admodee login for MP has saved my uname/pword and has synced my 1 player campaign progress across devices. Swapping to another app brings up pause screen (not tested quitting and overloading memory). So all in It looks truly universal in that it's very playable on both. Looks stable, has no immediately obvious 'lack of developer love' niggles. Pandemic is a great digital board game conversion from Asmodee and this looks just as good.
I'm always looking for a good digital board game. Interested in people's impressions after a day of release.
You can create "quick game" (no customization) or "custom game", which allows variants and options, both local and online. However, when you create a game, or join a game, you must wait for all the players to join in first before starting. Just like TTR. So I am never able to find enough people to join in the game before I run my battery out. So I cannot figure out if the game is async or not...
One aspect I really appreciate but didn't get at first, is the game's many variant rules aren't actually different game modes but, much like expansions in Ascension, all optional rules/twists you can have going concurrently in a game. So, being a masochistic freak I'm looking forward, once I've unlocked them all, to trying a game with ALL of the variants in effect.
Honestly, may be I live in Aisa (GMT+8 to be exact), there are not many online during the times I played (around 13-14 people), and the message board in-app seems to fill with message that complain about similar things. To be fair, there are many players of TTR who have no problem with the scheme like this, but just not me. TTR is like this, Treasure Hunter is like this and another one in beta(which I choose not to name right now) is also like this. They all play async but adopt sync game joining method. I really dunno why.
In TTR game joining is async if you explicitly invite people - which is what I do with my wife. Unfortunately, they chose to go fully real time for Splendor :/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Update is out for a day or so. You can now create private game -- BUT! All the players you invite must also be online as well or you need to stay in the app until everybody joins in. Ridiculous!