Anodia 2 CLM Genres: Games Family Arcade GAME CENTER ENABLED Free Supported Devices: iPadThirdGen iPadFourthGen4G iPhone5 iPhone4 iPhone4S iPadMini4G iPhone5c iPodTouchFifthGen iPadMini iPhone6Plus iPhone6 iPad2Wifi iPhone5s iPadThirdGen4G iPadFourthGen iPad23G Minimum iOS Version: iOS 7.0 Download Size: 28.4MB Anodia 2 CLM It's time to break the bricks in style! Anodia 2 is a complete new take on the classic brick breaker genre. With every … TouchArcade Rating: Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsIt's time to break the bricks in style! Anodia 2 is a complete new take on the classic brick breaker genre. With every level unique and fresh you will always wonder what comes next! While staying true to the first instalment's praised gameplay quality, Anodia 2 brings all new levels with a modern design and art style. Anodia 2 introduces new user experience concept that we call 'Just Play' -- simply hit the Play button, have fun and get the best high score. FEATURES: - All-new levels! - Designed to be fun as a quick fix game and, at the same time, a title you can play for hours. - Modern look and feel. - Learn all you need to know in a less than a minute tutorial. - High score oriented gameplay with Game Center integration. - Smart Effortless Random Level Play - just hit the Play button and let Anodia 2 choose levels for you using sophisticated algorithms and heuristics, guaranteeing best possible experience! - Over 20 power ups and power downs. - Fast-paced addictive gameplay. - Superb physics simulation in real time. - Universal app. CRITIC REVIEWS: 'The game's free, but it's the "good" kind of free-to-play. You get coins for the gumball machine by playing, watching video ads, or just checking in on the app once or twice a day. It all feels very fair.' — 'I’ve been enjoying Anodia 2 a lot. The visuals are fantastic, the music is charming, and the various levels are unconventional from most brick breaker games, making it a nice change.' — 'Anodia 2 is a fun arcade challenge that livens up the brick breaker genre once again making it worth picking up.' — Information Seller:CLM Genre:Arcade, Family Release:May 07, 2015 Updated:Jul 09, 2015 Version:1.2 Size:40.1 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (4) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal touchy85 Well-Known Member Jan 21, 2015 1,616 1 38 #2 touchy85, May 6, 2015 Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel redribbon Well-Known Member Jun 11, 2010 2,799 53 48 entepreanur,programmer #3 redribbon, May 6, 2015 The Gameplay: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel CLM Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Apr 10, 2011 135 0 16 #4 CLM, May 6, 2015 @PeteOzzy, thanks for starting this thread! Here's the official release trailer: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel We are giving out the last batch of early access promo codes in this thread. Have fun and share your impressions! L.Lawliet Well-Known Member Jun 28, 2011 6,405 420 83 #5 L.Lawliet, May 6, 2015 Last edited: May 6, 2015 I'm quite surprised. This game is quite beautiful and plays really well. I love the art and how each level looks unique, often playing differently. There's also lots of fun power ups to make things more interesting. I do wish the player moved a bit faster but I suppose they made it slower since there's a power up to move faster. Only cons I can see are that the gift / buy system should be explained. Took me a while to figure out what it did but I'm assuming you buy new levels with coins you earn. Which is a nice incentive to keep playing since there's a good amount. Also the blue icon on the bottom right during play, I'm not sure what that is. And the app icon (or maybe the background) seems somewhat blurry. Overall, probably the best game for me this week. I really enjoy the art style and it feels like a zen game in a way turakm Well-Known Member Jan 15, 2009 1,127 3 38 #6 turakm, May 6, 2015 Just like the first one, this game is beautiful. A well-done brick breaker, and is seriously worth the download. Seems to have a similar coin system to Crossy road, not exactly sure what I'm getting out of the machine but I'm getting something! The gameplay is great and it has touch controls (which are perfect) L.Lawliet Well-Known Member Jun 28, 2011 6,405 420 83 #7 L.Lawliet, May 6, 2015 I thinkkk I figured it out. It must be giving you coins for the machine (just like crossy road). You don't get much for playing single levels but it feels a lot more fulfilling than running across a street with single taps Btw, I do wish individual levels had high scores on them instead of just the full high score from playing until you run out of lives. locomoco Well-Known Member Apr 7, 2015 137 0 0 #8 locomoco, May 6, 2015 Last edited: May 6, 2015 If you loved the first Anodia, you will undoubtedly love Anodia 2. I didn't think it possible to improve upon the first game, but the developers have managed to create an even more addictive brick-breaker with sharper graphics and beautifully unique levels. Each level's landscape is so different than the other that there is no risk of the game feeling redundant in the least. The game also includes easy ways to earn fun goodies by either watching videos, receiving a gift (reset by a timer), or by playing the lottery for 100 coins to earn a prize (a random level or coins). If you're unfamiliar with the first Anodia and are trying to figure out what the power-ups/-downs do, go to the "Settings" menu where there is a handy explanation. Although the power-downs are technically disadvantageous to gameplay, sometimes they do help and I find I like to get them anyway because the art is fun to look at. I especially like the one with the clouds. I've switched back and forth between tap/tilt controls and both work seamlessly with great accuracy. The only thing I would add is that I have been absolutely entertained by the brick puns in the "Upcoming" games posts by CLM and would love to see it added to the game for a bit of humor. Otherwise, this game is perfection. It's unique, tranquil, and addicting. Thank you CLM for an awesome game and for the chance to try it out! I'm off to play more Anodia 2. CLM Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Apr 10, 2011 135 0 16 #9 CLM, May 6, 2015 I'm glad that all of you are enjoying Anodia 2 . That blue thingy in the corner is the gravity field indicator, when it's full you can tap somewhere to direct balls to that location. You sure are! Those things you're getting are new levels to play in. Isn't that neat? Very recently we have came to the same conclusion, and there is a high chance that it will make its way to the future updates. We liked the puns too, but unfortunately it seemed that they didn't fit the mood of the game (not to mention that they didn't fit in the menu ). If anyone have any questions, we'll do our best to answer Jake7905 Well-Known Member Jun 20, 2013 1,004 0 0 #10 Jake7905, May 6, 2015 Interesting....a real game that implements Crossy Road's brilliant method of monetization. L.Lawliet Well-Known Member Jun 28, 2011 6,405 420 83 #11 L.Lawliet, May 7, 2015 I was going to buy the coin doubler but at this point it's not worth it. Triple or more would be better. I make about 3-7 coins on average per round. If we don't include the free gifts, it would take forever to reach 100, even with a doubler. Great game but I wish there was a premium version.Still feels very freemium. Maybe coin doubler and making vending costs at 50? CLM Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Apr 10, 2011 135 0 16 #12 CLM, May 7, 2015 Actually the coin multiplier is a tripler, as visible on the icon with three little coins. So your wish is granted You just can't exclude free gifts, they are there for a reason macplash Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2014 2,645 1,103 113 Male 3D artist Munich, Germany #13 macplash, May 7, 2015 This is a nice surprise! I like arkanoid style in general and I'm really enjoying this game a lot. The minimalistic style suits it well, sounds are great as well and collecting coins to unlock different levels is a guarantee the game stays interesting at least for a while. Also, I like the leaderboards with just one common score only. The fact you have to be careful and focused the whole time and can't make a mistake to the very end keeps it intense. With that amount of levels there it'd be pretty messy in the leaderboards to have separate scores for each one. Anyway, I didn't have a chance to try all the games this week, but Anodia 2 is easily one of my choices for this week's GOTW. Collecting coins (any other way than by getting gifts) seems like a long term matter, but supporting the developer by purchasing the coin doubler (or tripler as clarified above) is a no-brainer for me. Very well done, highly recommended game! LordGek Well-Known Member Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Feb 19, 2009 12,282 141 63 Software QA Engineer Saratoga, CA, USA #14 LordGek, May 7, 2015 Where is this coin tripler located? I'd love to hand you your well deserved cash but can't find the option to pay you! CLM Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Apr 10, 2011 135 0 16 #15 CLM, May 7, 2015 That is so nice to hear! It shows from time to time on the end level screen (but very rarely, we don't want to pressure anyone to make IAPs). We are considering to add it on the last dot of the level select menu (a square actually ) to be more accessible. macplash, thank you . LordGek Well-Known Member Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Feb 19, 2009 12,282 141 63 Software QA Engineer Saratoga, CA, USA #16 LordGek, May 7, 2015 Also, just to be clear, even if I complete the level successfully, the game only lasts for 1 level? Am I getting a bonus for remaining lives at least? CLM Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Apr 10, 2011 135 0 16 #17 CLM, May 7, 2015 Are you playing using the "Levels" or the big button with the Play symbol in the main menu? It's designed for the continuous play using the play button, where it behaves as a survival mode with 5 balls. LordGek Well-Known Member Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Feb 19, 2009 12,282 141 63 Software QA Engineer Saratoga, CA, USA #18 LordGek, May 7, 2015 Of course, as expected. I will chalk this confusion up to simply playing while still half asleep. Luciano1084 Well-Known Member May 8, 2014 1,515 0 36 #19 Luciano1084, May 7, 2015 Never played the first one and was pleasantly surprised playing this one.. Definitely an interesting spin on brick breaker games in general.. Anybody who's enjoyed BB games will love this one.. Neat power ups and power downs which add variety and keeps things fresh.. Silky smooth UI, definitely nice to look at ##.. Great job with this.. And thanks for the promo code.. Can you please tell me what the IAP cost? CLM Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Apr 10, 2011 135 0 16 #20 CLM, May 7, 2015 It depends on the IAP, there are different kinds, all optional and non-consumable. If you tap the one you are interested in, there is always a price before confirming your purchase . (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
@PeteOzzy, thanks for starting this thread! Here's the official release trailer: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel We are giving out the last batch of early access promo codes in this thread. Have fun and share your impressions!
I'm quite surprised. This game is quite beautiful and plays really well. I love the art and how each level looks unique, often playing differently. There's also lots of fun power ups to make things more interesting. I do wish the player moved a bit faster but I suppose they made it slower since there's a power up to move faster. Only cons I can see are that the gift / buy system should be explained. Took me a while to figure out what it did but I'm assuming you buy new levels with coins you earn. Which is a nice incentive to keep playing since there's a good amount. Also the blue icon on the bottom right during play, I'm not sure what that is. And the app icon (or maybe the background) seems somewhat blurry. Overall, probably the best game for me this week. I really enjoy the art style and it feels like a zen game in a way
Just like the first one, this game is beautiful. A well-done brick breaker, and is seriously worth the download. Seems to have a similar coin system to Crossy road, not exactly sure what I'm getting out of the machine but I'm getting something! The gameplay is great and it has touch controls (which are perfect)
I thinkkk I figured it out. It must be giving you coins for the machine (just like crossy road). You don't get much for playing single levels but it feels a lot more fulfilling than running across a street with single taps Btw, I do wish individual levels had high scores on them instead of just the full high score from playing until you run out of lives.
If you loved the first Anodia, you will undoubtedly love Anodia 2. I didn't think it possible to improve upon the first game, but the developers have managed to create an even more addictive brick-breaker with sharper graphics and beautifully unique levels. Each level's landscape is so different than the other that there is no risk of the game feeling redundant in the least. The game also includes easy ways to earn fun goodies by either watching videos, receiving a gift (reset by a timer), or by playing the lottery for 100 coins to earn a prize (a random level or coins). If you're unfamiliar with the first Anodia and are trying to figure out what the power-ups/-downs do, go to the "Settings" menu where there is a handy explanation. Although the power-downs are technically disadvantageous to gameplay, sometimes they do help and I find I like to get them anyway because the art is fun to look at. I especially like the one with the clouds. I've switched back and forth between tap/tilt controls and both work seamlessly with great accuracy. The only thing I would add is that I have been absolutely entertained by the brick puns in the "Upcoming" games posts by CLM and would love to see it added to the game for a bit of humor. Otherwise, this game is perfection. It's unique, tranquil, and addicting. Thank you CLM for an awesome game and for the chance to try it out! I'm off to play more Anodia 2.
I'm glad that all of you are enjoying Anodia 2 . That blue thingy in the corner is the gravity field indicator, when it's full you can tap somewhere to direct balls to that location. You sure are! Those things you're getting are new levels to play in. Isn't that neat? Very recently we have came to the same conclusion, and there is a high chance that it will make its way to the future updates. We liked the puns too, but unfortunately it seemed that they didn't fit the mood of the game (not to mention that they didn't fit in the menu ). If anyone have any questions, we'll do our best to answer
I was going to buy the coin doubler but at this point it's not worth it. Triple or more would be better. I make about 3-7 coins on average per round. If we don't include the free gifts, it would take forever to reach 100, even with a doubler. Great game but I wish there was a premium version.Still feels very freemium. Maybe coin doubler and making vending costs at 50?
Actually the coin multiplier is a tripler, as visible on the icon with three little coins. So your wish is granted You just can't exclude free gifts, they are there for a reason
This is a nice surprise! I like arkanoid style in general and I'm really enjoying this game a lot. The minimalistic style suits it well, sounds are great as well and collecting coins to unlock different levels is a guarantee the game stays interesting at least for a while. Also, I like the leaderboards with just one common score only. The fact you have to be careful and focused the whole time and can't make a mistake to the very end keeps it intense. With that amount of levels there it'd be pretty messy in the leaderboards to have separate scores for each one. Anyway, I didn't have a chance to try all the games this week, but Anodia 2 is easily one of my choices for this week's GOTW. Collecting coins (any other way than by getting gifts) seems like a long term matter, but supporting the developer by purchasing the coin doubler (or tripler as clarified above) is a no-brainer for me. Very well done, highly recommended game!
Where is this coin tripler located? I'd love to hand you your well deserved cash but can't find the option to pay you!
That is so nice to hear! It shows from time to time on the end level screen (but very rarely, we don't want to pressure anyone to make IAPs). We are considering to add it on the last dot of the level select menu (a square actually ) to be more accessible. macplash, thank you .
Also, just to be clear, even if I complete the level successfully, the game only lasts for 1 level? Am I getting a bonus for remaining lives at least?
Are you playing using the "Levels" or the big button with the Play symbol in the main menu? It's designed for the continuous play using the play button, where it behaves as a survival mode with 5 balls.
Never played the first one and was pleasantly surprised playing this one.. Definitely an interesting spin on brick breaker games in general.. Anybody who's enjoyed BB games will love this one.. Neat power ups and power downs which add variety and keeps things fresh.. Silky smooth UI, definitely nice to look at ##.. Great job with this.. And thanks for the promo code.. Can you please tell me what the IAP cost?
It depends on the IAP, there are different kinds, all optional and non-consumable. If you tap the one you are interested in, there is always a price before confirming your purchase .