METAL SLUG 3 SNK CORPORATION The legendary NEOGEO 2D action shooting masterpiece “METAL SLUG 3” heads out to iPhone devices! Use various weapons and … TouchArcade Rating: $2.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsThe legendary NEOGEO 2D action shooting masterpiece “METAL SLUG 3” heads out to iPhone devices! Use various weapons and slugs to fight your way through and survive on the battlefield!! ■Not only a perfect port of the original NEOGEO game! In addition to its classic “ARCADE MODE”, this perfect conversion of “METAL SLUG 3” includes a “MISSION MODE”, allowing you to select in which stage you want to play! You can now train yourself in your favorite stages or those which give you a hard time! ■ Command many Slug vehicles like an ace! The Slugs are back and more colourful than ever, with Slug Mariners, Drill Slugs, and Elephant Slugs joining the original Metal Slugs and Slugnoids!! ■ Clear all routes via the branching map system!! A branching map system allowing you to take a different route to the end with each play-through, and an immense map of endless gameplay awaits you in “METAL SLUG 3”!! ■Intense cooperative gameplay via the Wi-Fi function! "METAL SLUG 3” can be doubly enjoyed by playing with another brother-in-arms simultaneously via the Wi-Fi function! Will you be able to clear the hardest stages with your friends? ■Compatible with “GAME CENTER”! Complete the maximum number of “ACHIEVEMENTS” in order to increase your "METAL SLUG 3" Player Rank! Beat the best scores and become World’s Number 1!! Information Seller:SNK CORPORATION Genre:Action, Arcade Release:Jul 12, 2012 Updated:Apr 19, 2022 Version:1.5.1 Size:148.2 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (9) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #2 psj3809, Jul 11, 2012 Last edited: Jul 11, 2012 Woo hoo ! This is great news and out of the blue, i hope it plays well, dont mind the high price, this is an all time classic. Come on guys, less than 10 dollars, thats nothing ! I hope this does well so SNK release more games. Finally ! All the metal slug games i found before were dreadful clones which were scams on the app store. GeekyDad Well-Known Member Jan 14, 2012 1,173 0 0 Games Journalist #3 GeekyDad, Jul 11, 2012 Probably my favorite MS of the series. Too rich for my blood, though. Biggavelli Well-Known Member Jul 7, 2011 1,106 0 0 Boston,MA #4 Biggavelli, Jul 11, 2012 game play video? $7 dollars... psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #5 psj3809, Jul 11, 2012 There'll be one soon, for some reason the big companies dont seem to do gameplay videos, have to wait for Sanuku ! I know what you mean about the price, part of me is annoyed as i love retro games but they do still charge silly money for them years later when if anything it should be part of a collection for a few dollars. On the other hand if it was free and full of IAP's i would hate it. I'm sure many of us work here so for the sake of 7 dollars its not bad at all, i'm just happy to be able to have this on my device so i think like the Raystorm games by Taito, if youre a fan of the original then its brilliant despite the price. But theres plenty of older arcade games i wish would see the light of day on iOS, only way i can play them is to jailbreak and use emulators (which i dont want to). But this is one game i'm getting for sure at midnight tonight ! Snake Eater Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2011 223 0 0 #6 Snake Eater, Jul 11, 2012 would be insta buy but no way in hell I'd pay $7 picoro Well-Known Member May 23, 2012 229 0 0 #7 picoro, Jul 11, 2012 playing all metal slugs on iFBA/mame4ios emulator for free.better controls,60fps,enable blood.^_^ psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #8 psj3809, Jul 11, 2012 (Old man lecture #124) Back in the 80's when i was a young kid most games were $10 each ! Often you would save up for one (on tiny pocket money) and the game was terrible and you were stuck with it and had to save up for another month or two. I think we've all lost our minds when we think $7 for a classic game is expensive when many of us are 18+ and earn money or have decent pocket money ! $7 is still incredibly cheap, again the problem is we expect everything now for 99c or free. Sanuku Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2009 11,954 4 38 Austria #9 Sanuku, Jul 11, 2012 Last edited: Jul 11, 2012 Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Gosh today will be so damn expensive. Expect the Trailer in the next 30-60. Minutes justln Well-Known Member Jul 8, 2011 512 0 16 Singapore #10 justln, Jul 11, 2012 WWWhhhhaaattttttt????? Totally didn't expect this release but $7, really? Wediafom24 Well-Known Member Nov 25, 2010 1,730 0 0 Student Asmara, Eritrea #11 Wediafom24, Jul 11, 2012 Well said! No wonder most big game deves don't take iOS seriously. Anyway, this will be an instabuy from me VeiraGames Member Jul 19, 2011 24 0 0 London, UK #12 VeiraGames, Jul 11, 2012 Happy days. Now SNK could you bring Capcom v SNK Card Fighters to the appstore please? Hope this Metal Slug is better than that crap they released last time LOLavi Well-Known Member May 23, 2011 8,364 0 0 iPhone gamer Finland #13 LOLavi, Jul 11, 2012 Wooo hoo! Remember playing this every Boxing day at my cousin's. He had an arcade thingy and Metal Slug was always my favorite Sanuku Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2009 11,954 4 38 Austria #14 Sanuku, Jul 11, 2012 Game Impressions Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel MarkHerm Well-Known Member Jun 4, 2009 763 0 0 Germany #15 MarkHerm, Jul 11, 2012 Probably no iCade support, right? violentv Well-Known Member Nov 4, 2010 912 0 16 #16 violentv, Jul 11, 2012 Last edited: Jul 11, 2012 I don't even really look at the price of apps in the app store. lol...but I think the fact that people are lapping up really old games given a 2nd or 3rd life on a new powerful platform is probably why big game devs don't develop much ios exclusives. Nostalgia really sells ...why bother making new games when selling ports of old games yield high profit/effort and time ratios. Which is fine..after all some old games really bring back good memories. My point is, buy it if nostalgia compels you to but don't righteously talk down to those who are unwilling to fork out cash for it! AnarKitty Well-Known Member Oct 10, 2010 3,654 0 0 Minneapolis, USA #17 AnarKitty, Jul 11, 2012 Another SNK classic, out of the blue! Can't wait to get this one! mashead2000 Well-Known Member Jan 22, 2011 1,144 0 36 Manager-Retail York - United Kingdom #18 mashead2000, Jul 11, 2012 Awesome instabuy!!! Snooptalian Well-Known Member Sep 12, 2009 1,936 8 38 #19 Snooptalian, Jul 11, 2012 Awesome... As for price, I won't be complaining. I used to buy Metal Slug games when they were new at $300 a pop for the Neo Geo AES home system. So $6.99 for the same game in my hands is a no brainer... antony.thai Well-Known Member Dec 1, 2009 2,084 13 38 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam #20 antony.thai, Jul 11, 2012 7 bucks won't be a high price at all with a legendary like this ;-) (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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Woo hoo ! This is great news and out of the blue, i hope it plays well, dont mind the high price, this is an all time classic. Come on guys, less than 10 dollars, thats nothing ! I hope this does well so SNK release more games. Finally ! All the metal slug games i found before were dreadful clones which were scams on the app store.
There'll be one soon, for some reason the big companies dont seem to do gameplay videos, have to wait for Sanuku ! I know what you mean about the price, part of me is annoyed as i love retro games but they do still charge silly money for them years later when if anything it should be part of a collection for a few dollars. On the other hand if it was free and full of IAP's i would hate it. I'm sure many of us work here so for the sake of 7 dollars its not bad at all, i'm just happy to be able to have this on my device so i think like the Raystorm games by Taito, if youre a fan of the original then its brilliant despite the price. But theres plenty of older arcade games i wish would see the light of day on iOS, only way i can play them is to jailbreak and use emulators (which i dont want to). But this is one game i'm getting for sure at midnight tonight !
(Old man lecture #124) Back in the 80's when i was a young kid most games were $10 each ! Often you would save up for one (on tiny pocket money) and the game was terrible and you were stuck with it and had to save up for another month or two. I think we've all lost our minds when we think $7 for a classic game is expensive when many of us are 18+ and earn money or have decent pocket money ! $7 is still incredibly cheap, again the problem is we expect everything now for 99c or free.
Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Gosh today will be so damn expensive. Expect the Trailer in the next 30-60. Minutes
Well said! No wonder most big game deves don't take iOS seriously. Anyway, this will be an instabuy from me
Happy days. Now SNK could you bring Capcom v SNK Card Fighters to the appstore please? Hope this Metal Slug is better than that crap they released last time
Wooo hoo! Remember playing this every Boxing day at my cousin's. He had an arcade thingy and Metal Slug was always my favorite
I don't even really look at the price of apps in the app store. lol...but I think the fact that people are lapping up really old games given a 2nd or 3rd life on a new powerful platform is probably why big game devs don't develop much ios exclusives. Nostalgia really sells ...why bother making new games when selling ports of old games yield high profit/effort and time ratios. Which is fine..after all some old games really bring back good memories. My point is, buy it if nostalgia compels you to but don't righteously talk down to those who are unwilling to fork out cash for it!
Awesome... As for price, I won't be complaining. I used to buy Metal Slug games when they were new at $300 a pop for the Neo Geo AES home system. So $6.99 for the same game in my hands is a no brainer...