Only have enough for a $0.99 game and I'm looking for a nice punishing (is there any other kind?) roguelike 1) Has to be playable on iPhone 4 2) Yes, I know about Ending. That's my default choice if I'm not interested by any recommendations Okay...go! (And also maybe say why your choice is good too)
Zags 33 Endless Depths RPG Minotaur Maze Or you could get Wazhack and unlock 1 pair of classes, then get the other 3 later.
Solid options, I also recommend Legends of Yore but I dont remember if I got it for a buck or two. Great roguelike imo. Bit dungeon costs a buck and its a very entretaining rogue-alike, its not a "real" rl like say rogue touch or the dungeon but is very fun and has great pixel art. P.s. thanks to the OP for mentioning Ending, never heard of it before and looks right through my alley.
Rogue Ninja, for something unusual. But dunno if it's only a buckie. Cavern would also be my weapon of choice. And you should REALLY REALLY love 9th Dawn. Dunno about the prices of these. But get these when you have a few spare bucks. Bit Dungeon is also great. But... what is "Ending"? *goes checking*
Ending RPS review - Ending TA review (4.5/5) -
I dont really remember at what price i got it but you should definitley try 100 rogues if you havnt already. One of my all time favorite roguelikes.
So I think I'm going to get Ending and download WazHack I've read nothing about praise for Ending. And this is what intrigued me on WazHack, from the TA review: Sounds cool and deep. Any thoughts on WazHack?