Square Enix launched the original Dragon Quest Builders ($27.99) on mobile to celebrate the 36th birthday of the series in Japan. That was the most recent Dragon Quest release on mobile, but Square Enix has something interesting planned for next week. The publisher will reveal a brand new Dragon Quest mobile game on January 18th. Right now, we have no more information other than a stream is planned for next week. This stream will feature the game’s name and how it plays. The stream will be on YouTube, linked below, and will hopefully also feature some news for international Dragon Quest fans.
There have been a lot of free to play Dragon Quest games on mobile, and while I expect any new mobile game from Square Enix to also be free to play, I hope this one lasts longer than some recent ones that shut down in a year or so. Until we learn more about this new Dragon Quest game, you can check out the Twitter account here that will have its name changed when the game is revealed next week. Check out Dragon Quest Builders on the App Store for iOS here and Google Play for Android here. Have you played Dragon Quest Builders or any of the premium Dragon Quest numbered series ports on mobile yet?