Game developer Jussi Simpanen and his company Adventure Islands are responsible for some phenomenal puzzle platformers on mobile, like Heart Star (Free), Tiny Dangerous Dungeons ($0.99), and Super Dangerous Dungeons (Free). For his latest release though he’ll be going back to his very first mobile game Duke Dashington ($0.99) and re-releasing it as a brand new remastered version aptly titled Duke Dashington Remastered. In Duke Dashington each level is just a single screen which must be finished within 10 seconds, before the level collapses. Here’s how we described it in our original review: “The Duke is governed by a few simple rules. He can dash upward or horizontally, never downward. He dashes in that direction until he hits a wall, at which point he can dash horizontally, or fall to the ground; dashing upward while in midair is not possible, though he can dash horizontally during the middle of an upward dash." Using that set of rules you’ll need to guide Duke through more than 100 levels spread across 4 different temples.
For Duke Dashington Remastered, the game has been “programmed from scratch with tighter controls, polished level design and all graphics have been redrawn." It’ll include all 4 of the original temples and all their levels, but the developer is open to adding in even more new levels via updates if the demand is there. Also this remastered version will include a new Time Trial mode to add some additional replay value, as our one major gripe with the first game was that it was a bit on the short side and there wasn’t much to do once you’d beaten it. Like the first game Game Center leaderboards and achievements will also add additional reasons to play. Duke Dashington Remastered is quite far along and should be completed in the next month or two, and like Jussi’s other games it will release as free with advertisements with an optional one-time IAP to remove the ads.