Last month, Capcom accidentally announced, and then a few hours later officially announced, that the fourth game in the main Ace Attorney series was heading to iOS and Android at some point this winter. We sort of assumed based on the timing of the announcement that the release wouldn’t hit before the end of the year and was more likely shooting for early 2017, but… we were wrong! Today Capcom Mobile has announced that Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney will be landing on iOS on December 1st, with an Android release following a week later on December 8th. Check out the trailer to get an idea of what Apollo Justice is all about.
With the arrival of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, mobile gamers can now enjoy all five of the main entries in the Ace Attorney series, with the first three available in Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright Trilogy HD (Free), the fourth with the forthcoming Apollo Justice, and the fifth with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies ($0.99). Exciting times for those of us who love humorous courtroom drama. No pricing details have been revealed, but I’ll still be looking forward to the arrival of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney on iOS on December 1st and a week later on Android.