How do you feel about having a team consisting of Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge, and other Disney characters fighting against the likes of Magica De Spell in an card-based RPG? Excited? Well, if you are, I have just the game for you. The Duckforce Rises, a game that came out of nowhere, is currently in soft launch in Australia and New Zealand. Judging from the game’s description and its screenshots, The Duckforce Rises is a card battler in which you pick your team and fight against a variety of enemies from the Disney universe. You use cards to deal damage, heal your characters, and so on.
While the game will likely not win any awards for gameplay originality, its Disney theme definitely sets it apart from many similar games. The game is F2P, unsurprisingly, and comes with the appropriate energy meters and IAPs. Of course, as it’s in soft launch, the monetization model might change (although I highly doubt it). You can unlock new heroes as you go, upgrade them with new cards, and so on. The game is universal and available to play if you live in Australia or New Zealand.