The developers of Toast Time ($2.99), Force of Habit, haven’t quite released their next big followup to that yet, but they have a smaller title that they’re releasing this Thursday, February 5th, in case you’ve been waiting for more from them. Sinking Feeling is their take on the challenging high-score game, where you control a falling ball with a face, guiding them through successive gates, trying not to hit the spiked edges of each one. Now, you only get points for going through the gates, but you can skip them if you’re afraid you will die by hitting the edges without penalty. The game gets faster with more difficult patterns every ten points, and if you hit sixty points, then the “Harder" mode gets unlocked. It is a lot harder.
Interestingly, Sinking Feeling will not be free with ads, as many games of the sort are, but will be available for $0.99 up front, which is great for those who prefer just paying up front. We’ll see how it works out for Force of Habit, but this game is pretty fun and challenging, so those who check it out should get their money’s worth.