It feels like I’ve been covering the mobile launch of Gameloft’s Disney-themed kart racer Disney Speedstorm (Free) for a while now. If you’ve not kept up with it, Disney Speedstorm hit PC and console last year, and previously began pre-registrations for its global launch on mobile. I played the Disney Speedstorm Early Access launch version on both Switch and Steam Deck, and it had a lot of potential. Read my early access review of the game here. Today, the official Disney Speedstorm mobile release date has been announced alongside the newest trailer for the next season on PC and consoles. Watch the Disney Speedstorm new season trailer below:
Disney Speedstorm is a free to play kart racer with Disney and Pixar characters and worlds. It is available in some regions as a soft launch on mobile. If you’d like to try out the soft launch, here’s the Disney Speedstorm soft launch App Store link. You can pre-register for it on Google Play for Android worldwide here and pre-order it on the App Store here (same link as the soft launch). It will support cross save at launch. On Steam and consoles, Disney Speedstorm is available now. The mobile version is free to play with various in app purchase sets of tokens. Have you played Disney Speedstorm on any platform before and will you be trying it on mobile when it does release?