Hello everyone, and welcome to the week! It’s time once again for our look back at the noteworthy updates of the last seven days. We’re well into May now, and for whatever reason we’re seeing a lot of really interesting updates hit. Maybe it’s the lack of any big global holidays, or maybe it’s just that time of year for the game business. But hey, it makes my job of finding some cool stuff to highlight easier. Of course, you can keep an eye out for updates yourself by participating in the TouchArcade forums. This weekly summary is just here to fill you in on the things you might have missed. Let’s go for it!
Adventure To Fate Lost Island, $4.99 Another fine update for this very fine game, and once again it seems to mainly be built around addressing requests and feedback from players to improve the interface. The game now features gesture controls for movement, which should make for more intuitive gameplay for some. The battle view interface has also been adjusted, making name labels bigger and easier to read. You also get more feedback about who is attacking and a little warning when your HP and SP get low. Beyond that, some new sound effects and music bits have been added in, and some bugs have been squashed. Very good, very good. Play this game if you haven’t yet. It’s really fun.
Teeny Tiny Town, Free At last, Teeny Tiny Towns has hexagon maps and is therefore a real game. Pretty dicey for a while there, not being a real game and all. I’m glad this is settled. All joking aside, there are some new maps here that use hexagons instead of squares, and that changes things up a little. There are also some new achievements, and some additions and tweaks to the UI. Oh, and a new starting bonus based on your player level. That’s nice. But really, hex maps.
Marvel Contest of Champions, Free Phew, I’m running really late today and have to be up early tomorrow. Let’s whip through the rest of these. I’ll give this the coveted UMMSotW award for this week, just to get it out of the way. Two new fighters, Silver Sable and Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Some new events themed around Deadpool and Knull. Some balance adjustments and bug fixes, some new UI features, and so on. Those are cool picks for new fighters, at least.
Disney Magic Kingdoms, Free Bless my soul, Herc is on a roll, bringing Hera and Zeus to the park for a stroll! In addition to the divine visit from the gods, you can also look forward to a new Underworld attraction for your park. Just adds a little something-something, you know? A little darkness to go with the light. Off-sets all the bright colors.
Subway Surfers, Free Subway Surfers is celebrating its birthday in the way a lot of fans are going to be happy to see. Yes, this time the kids are going… back to the original Subway Surfers? Surf through the original tracks, now loaded with some new content. Pixel Jake, Ballerina Tricky, Hammy Bee, and more await as you enjoy this blast from the past! This update also brings in player profiles and has some other cool goodies on offer for the birthday festivities.
Vampire Survivors, Free Doon, boon-doon-boon, BUCHUAWAAA DUN DUNNN! Contra comes to Vampire Survivors in the second-likeliest Konami collaboration you could imagine for this game after, of course, Rocket Knight Adventures. The new paid DLC Operation Guns is now available to purchase, and in case you didn’t read Mikhail’s review, let me inform you that it completely rules. It only costs two-and-a-half bucks and it will give you plenty of joy. Double the plenty if you’re a Contra fan.
Diablo Immortal, Free Diablo Immortal has a new limited-time event to dig into that has something to do with the Legions of Horror. That’s not the one with Hawk and Animal. Easy mistake. There’s a new Bramblestalker familiar, a new Phantom Market, some returning events, and lots of new ways to spend real money. Yay. Look, the bottom line is that those who are enjoying the game will have some new stuff to do in it, and that’s what updates are usually all about.
Jetpack Joyride 2, Okay, let’s keep going. Dinner is getting colder. There’s some kind of new event going on in this Apple Arcade exclusive, something to do with a Viking curse. Do Vikings curse? I mean, I guess they’re known for being a little blue. There’s a new power-up here in the form of the Legitimate Mjolnir, which is not to be confused for the Illegitimate Mjolnir you may have seen in the hands of certain Hemsworths. There’s a new Vision Pro feature here for all four of you that own one of those, and some bug fixes and performance improvements to round things out.
Honkai: Star Rail, Free Almost there. This update is called Then Wake to Weep, which I do a lot recently. There are some new characters here with names such as Robin and Boothill, plus returning characters Topaz & Numby and Fu Xuan. Some new Light Cones, a new story mission, plenty of events, new maps, new enemies, new stages, and a whole lot more. Sorry for the brevity, but really most of this stuff is only going to make sense to people who play it, and if you play it then you probably already saw this. Why did I include it? That tasty sweet SEO, my friends.
Merge Mansion: Mystery & Story, Free Closing things out with the obligatory free to play matching puzzle game update for the week, and it’s Merge Mansion because… well, I already told you why. This update includes a new area in the form of the Ranch, new levels for many items, some fresh special events that will be trickled out over the month, and a bunch of other things. Look, it beats looking in on that weirdo King Robert. I’ve had enough of him for one lifetime.
That about wraps it up for last week’s significant updates. I’m sure I’ve missed some, though, so please feel free to comment below and let everyone know if you think something should be mentioned. As usual, major updates will likely get their own news stories throughout this week, and I’ll be back next Monday to summarize and fill in the blanks. Have a great week!