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The Superb Katana Zero and Death’s Door From Devolver Digital Are Coming Soon to Mobile Exclusively for Netflix Members

At Netflix’s Geeked Week ’23, more games have been revealed for Netflix Games on mobile including two absolutely fantastic ones from Devolver Digital. When I think of what Devolver Digital could potentially bring to mobile, I always assumed Death’s Door and Katana Zero would not be on the list, but I’m super happy to be wrong. Acid Nerve’s amazing Death’s Door which a lot of folks consider a great classic Zelda-style action adventure is coming soon to mobile through Netflix Games. I played this on Steam Deck and Switch, and love it. I’m definitely looking forward to how it plays on mobile. Watch the Death’s Door Netflix trailer below:

Devolver Digital is also bringing Askiisoft’s superb Katana Zero to mobile through Netflix Games. The thing about Katana Zero, is it delivered what I wanted from a sequel to Hotline Miami. Since we never got one of those, I’m glad Askiisoft’s Katana Zero exists, and it is a game I replay too often thanks to its sublime gameplay and amazing soundtrack. Katana Zero is coming soon to mobile, and sadly doesn’t have a date yet. Watch the Katana Zero Netflix trailer below:

Until both Death’s Door and Katana Zero hit mobile on Netflix for iOS and Android, you can check them out on Steam and Nintendo Switch. I can’t wait to see what Netflix announces next for mobile following today’s major reveals. What do you think of Devolver Digital’s new Netflix games releases coming soon and have you played Death’s Door and Katana Zero before?

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