
The ‘Monster Hunter Now’ Halloween Event Kicks Off Today, Featuring New Equipment and Special Hunts

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Look, normally anything related to Monster Hunter Now (Free) would fall under the jurisdiction of our pal Mikhail. The man loves hunting a monster, no matter where he may be. That’s why they kicked him out of Jurassic Park that one time. But he’s a bit under the weather, so it falls to stalwart back-up goaltender Shaun to fill you in on the Monster Hunter Now Halloween 2023 event that started today. Details! I need details!

Buddy, I’ve got details. I’ve got so many details it will boggle you. Okay, I’m bigging it up too much. This is a pretty normal Halloween event, but it’s more special because this is the first one for Monster Hunter Now. So what can you look forward to? First, the basics. There are some Halloween-like decorations strewn about the field in the form of Jack O’Lanterns. It gets you in the spooky mood, to be sure.  With those comes Halloween Pumpkin Hunt Quests, special tasks involving gathering special items or defeating specific large monsters. Clear those and you’ll get Pumpkin Tickets that you can use to forge and upgrade the amazing new Jack-O’-Head equipment.

That equipment, when worn, will give you the Solidarity skill. It gives you more power the more of your fellow hunters have the skill activated. Get a whole bunch of Peter Pumpkinheads together and you’ll like the result. Better still, during the Halloween Pumpkin Hunt event, the effect is increased by five times. Think of all the wacky monster slaughtering you can do with that activated!

Don’t worry, there’s more to this party than just suiting up. From the 28th, you’ll be seeing a whole lot of Kulu-Ya-Ku holding a pumpkin-like rock when you’re out and about. Slay them and you’ll get even more Pumpkin Tickets! Absolutely bonkers economy. Love it. Use those to make your Jack-O’-Head even mightier. There are also a couple of special Halloween packs you can blow your real cash on in the store if you want, but I’ll leave that between you and your wallet.

You’ll have to have reached HR11 or higher to participate in this event, but I would imagine that doesn’t take too long. Mikhail can hit me with the bad-nasty stick later if I’m wrong about that. Just make sure you get done whatever you want to get done before the end of Halloween on October 31st, because after that… the pumpkins will turn into carriages or something. I don’t know. That’s the end date of the event. Go, play.

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