Puzzle action adventure game Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon from Yacth Club Games was announced to hit mobile through Netflix alongside its big free DLC pack that was planned for PS4, Switch, and PC platforms. The developer has now revealed that Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon and its major Puzzler’s Pack Free DLC release on June 6th worldwide. For Netflix, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon will include this DLC when it arrives on the same day next week. Alongside today’s announcement, the release date trailer has a small glimpse of the mobile version in the promo video for the Puzzler’s Pack DLC. This DLC adds new playable characters, the Quandary Challenges, new relics, run modifiers, and new areas to explore. There will be two more major free DLC releases in the future. Watch the release date trailer below:
The original Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon Puzzler’s Pack free DLC trailer is below:
Ahead of next week’s release, read my interview with Yacht Club Games discussing Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, the developer’s other releases, working with Netflix, and more here. Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon releases on June 6th for mobile through Netflix Games. It is usually priced at $19.99 on console and PC platforms. If you want to play it outside a subscription, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is available on Nintendo Switch here and Steam here. It is also available on PS4. I’m looking forward to seeing how it feels on my iPhone after playing it on Switch. Have you played Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon before and will you be checking out next week’s major free DLC release?