Back in May of 2020, multimedia artist and filmmaker Olli Huttunen released a short film titled IDEA. It featured drone footage of various fairly mundane locations, with a little animated lightbulb ball imposed on these scenes. The ball used physics simulation to sort of bounce around the roads and passageways in the scenery, kind of like if the world was a pinball table and the roads were the lanes. It was clever, charming, and mesmerizing, and IDEA went on to win a number of awards. It’s also only a few minutes long so you should go watch it for yourself. Now, the collaborators who brought us the musical narrative adventure The Longest Road last year have teamed up once again to turn this short film into an actual playable game. Work on the game has been going all year long with plans to bring it to PC, but today it was officially confirmed to be launching on mobile alongside the PC version. Check out the trailer for IDEA the game.
The, ahem, idea here is that you’ll be able to bounce around the little idea ball yourself, and it appears you’ll have a limited amount of time to move it through each scene. It looks like the game will be utilizing the same gorgeous drone footage as the film and a similarly soothing soundtrack. The entire concept behind the original short film was that ideas can stumble and get stuck on their way to fruition, and so it seems very fitting that now a player will be able to help these ideas along in a truly interactive way. No release date is planned just yet other than “soon" but you can follow along with the game’s progress on its Steam page and look for IDEA to launch on iOS, Android, and PC in the near future.